Financial Services Model Management and Governance (OFS MMG) Application Pack, v8. Minor Level Release #2 (


OFS MMG Minor Release #2 (ID 33835588)

This release of the OFS MMG Application Pack is cumulative of all enhancements and bug fixes completed since the v8. release.

NOTE: For information about the Hardware and Software Requirements for this release, see the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Technology Matrix.

How to Apply this Release?

For instructions on how to install this OFS MMG Application Pack Release, see the Oracle Financial Services Model Management and Governance Application Pack Installation and Configuration Guide, Release

 New Features and Enhancements in this Release

1          Workspace

·       Support of HIVE based Data Sources during Workspace Provisioning

For more information, see the Create a Workspace Section of Oracle Financial Services Model Management and Governance (OFS MMG) User Guide.

2         General

·       Single configuration for MMG Application and MMG Studio

For more information, see the Configure the File Section of Oracle Financial Services Model Management and Governance (OFS MMG) Installation Guide.


3         Pipeline Builder

·       View Model Dashboard Report and allows you to execute Models from Dashboard

·       Comparison of Models

·       Allows to select multiple Scenarios at a time

·       View Model Input and Output details

·       Allows to Download Model details using Download option

·       Supports to view Model Report and download the same in PDF format using Model Report option.

·       Session management for paragraph execution

For more information, see the Create Paragraphs using Pipeline Designer Section of Oracle Financial Services Model Management and Governance (OFS MMG) User Guide.

4        Model Enhancements

·       Supports Model Summary page view as Flat and Hierarchical

·       Cloning of Model

5         Dataset

·       Added Filters for entities on Data Frame Creation window.

·       Supports continue Data profiling and display complete EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis)

For more information, see the Dataset Section of Oracle Financial Services Model Management and Governance (OFS MMG) User Guide.

·       Supports the following enhancements on the Data Frame Transformation window

§  Added Create New Feature option

§  Re-ordering of transformations

§  Insertion of transformation

For more information, see the Managing Dataset Section of Oracle Financial Services Model Management and Governance (OFS MMG) User Guide.


6.       Scheduler Service

·       Supports  Shell script in Task Definition.

For more information, see the Execute Models using  Scheduler Service Section of Oracle Financial Services Model Management and Governance (OFS MMG) User Guide and Oracle Financial Services Scheduler Services User Guide.

Bugs Fixed in this Release

 There are no Bugs Fixed in this release.

Known Issues and Limitations in this Release


·       If R interpreter setting is not configured correctly in the Studio, then after clicking the Notebook tab in Pipeline Designer, the execution of First paragraph is slow. The same delay occurs if reinitialized/invalidated.  If R interpreter is not required, then you can delete it from the MMG Application Interpreter menu.

·       When MMG studio notebooks are accessed multiple times, the labels are not getting loaded properly. You have to clear the cache or restart the Studio.


Features or Modules Desupported

The following UI elements related changes are done in MMG Studio:

·       Accessing notebook directly from studio will not have the below options

·       Workspace attachment button

·       Re-initialization option

·       Option of opening model draft in studio from model summary is not available.

·       Color theme of MMG Studio is changed from dark brown to blue.