Financial Services Model Management and Governance (OFS MMG) Application Pack, v8. Maintenance Level Release #2 (


OFS MMG Maintenance Release #2 (ID 34518864).

This release of the OFS MMG Application Pack is cumulative of all enhancements and bug fixes completed since the v8. release.

NOTE: For information about the Hardware and Software Requirements for this release, see the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Technology Matrix.

How to Apply this Release?

For instructions on how to install this OFS MMG Application Pack Release, see the Oracle Financial Services Model Management and Governance Application Pack Installation Guide, Release

New Features and Enhancements in this Release

1          Workspace

·       A separate task log is now created during Workspace Population.

·       Detach from Production option has been added in the Edit Workspace screen.

·       Support to select all objects at once in the Data Sourcing.

·       New icon added for Datasource and Workspace Summary in the headers of the application.

·       Support to choose the type of Workspace (Sandbox or Production) in the Edit Workspace screen.

2         Installer

·       Ability to re-run installers with the updated configurations.

·       Improved messages and confirmation status for install/startup/shutdown operations.

3         UI/UX Enhancements

·       Improved UI messages and logging.

·       Standardized layouts and controls on all the screens.

·       UI/UX improvements in line with the Redwood design.

4        Timezone

·       Support for timezone localization.

5         Dashboard

·       Model Drafts are now shown in the Recently Used panel.

6        Model Pipelines

·       Ability to maintain Parameter Sets

·       Ability to view outputs for all the executions.

·       Dataset widget now allows users to provide custom dataframe names.

·       Ability to seed built-in model pipelines in a Sandbox environment.

·       Simulation Run: Ability to execute/compare model outputs against different Parameter Sets.

7         Scheduler Service

·       Batch status report generation.

·       Improved model execution logs for tracking and debugging.

·       External REST APIs are available for Scheduler batch execution and monitoring operations.

8        Security

·       Spring version upgrade

9        Model Builder

Note: By default, this feature is disabled.

For more details on how to enable this, refer to the MMG Installation Guide.

·       Ability to build a Catalog for a Model.

·       Technique registration and Model building.

·       Integration with Model Pipelines.

10      Performance Improvements

·       Improved responsiveness for DataStudio.

·       Loading for Dataset's Entity selection.

·       Better Notebook session management in Datasets.

·       Configurable performance parameters for Data Studio.

11       Dataset

·       Provision to close the Notebook session created from the dataset User Interface.

·       Support to add new transformation for Dataframe and Feature in the Dataset Transformation.

Bugs Fixed in this Release

There are no Bugs Fixed in this release.

Known Issues and Limitations in this Release


·       If the R interpreter setting is not configured correctly in the Studio, then after clicking the Notebook tab in Pipeline Designer, the execution of the First paragraph is slow. The same delay occurs if reinitialized/invalidated. If the R interpreter is not required, then you can delete it from the MMG Application Interpreter menu.

·       Encode categorical feature transform fails with MODIN dataframe library if the selected features contain different values.

·       Cache functionality might not work as intended while using MODIN dataframe library.

·       Objective name in the Model Report from the flat list summary of models is displayed as 'Model lists' instead of the actual objective name.

·       The Previous result is displayed in the notebook tab of the production workspace.

·       Select all data sourcing objects does not work as intended during workspace provisioning.

·       Error log table creation fails if the column data types are LONG, CLOB, BLOB, BFILE, and ADT during Sandbox data population.

Features or Modules Desupported

The following UI elements-related changes are done in MMG Studio:

·       Compare option in the Execution summary page is removed.

·       Publishing of Models option from the Model Summary screen has been deprecated and will be removed in the upcoming releases.

·       Import option is now disabled for Edit Workspace screen.

·       Accessing the Notebook directly from the Studio will not have the below options:

o   Workspace attachment button.

o   Re-initialization option.

o   Option of the opening model draft in the Studio from Model Summary is not available.