Financial Services Model Management and Governance (OFS MMG) Application Pack, v8. Maintenance Level Release #3 (


OFS MMG Maintenance Release #3 (ID 34813613).

This release of the OFS MMG Application Pack is cumulative of all enhancements and bug fixes completed since the v8. release.

NOTE: For information about the Hardware and Software Requirements for this release, see the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Technology Matrix.

How to Apply this Release?

For instructions on how to install this OFS MMG Application Pack Release, see the Oracle Financial Services Model Management and Governance Application Pack Installation Guide, Release

New Features and Enhancements in this Release

1          Workspace

·       Download option is introduced.

·       Workspace Delete now additionally purges underlying objects.

2         API Configuration

a.       Support for registering third-party APIs.

b.       Ability to map and integrate with Model Pipelines.

3         UI/UX Enhancements

·       Improved UI messages and logging.

·       Standardized layouts and controls on all the screens.

·       UI/UX improvements in line with the Redwood design.

4        Health UI

·       Introduced status messages related to Graphs and PGX server.

·       Three new tabs are introduced:

o   Service Status: Provides information on the services that are running.

o   Environment: Provides information on the System and Application properties.

o   Log Trace: Provides the logs which will help during analysis and debugging.

5         Model Pipelines

·       Improvements on Session Management.

·       Added new tasks to support API configurations, Model Builder, Graphs, and Kafka (Beta) in the Pipeline Canvas screen.

·       Ability to Clone Parameter Sets.

·       Ability to attach and promote Parameter Sets against a Model.

·       The Pipeline execution statuses are now displayed on the header in the Pipeline Canvas screen.

·       Ability to execute the Models in another session with different parameters simultaneously.

·       A new icon Open in notebook session has been added which displays the current status of the execution.

·       Canvas View has been introduced in the Execution History screen.

·       The execution statuses are now displayed in the Execution History screen.

·       Compare option is introduced which allows you to compare the executions.

·       Run Stats has been added in the Simulations screen which provides information on the Start and End time of the execution.

6        Scheduler Service

·       Ability to schedule MMG batches through external scheduler (ESIC).

·       Batch status report generation.

·       Improved model execution logs for tracking and debugging.

7         Model Builder

·       Ability to build a Catalog for a Model.

·       Technique registration and Model building.

·       Integration with Model Pipelines. You can now promote the associated trained Models to production.

·       Templates and out-of-the-box seeded Libraries and Techniques are made available.

For more details on the Techniques and out-of-the-box seeded Libraries, refer to MMG User Guide.

·       Support for Open Neural Network Exchange Library (ONNX) for Modeling.

8        Graphs

Unlike traditional Relational Database Management Systems, the Graph Pipeline feature allows you to view the data relationships in a graphical format. This feature uses the latest technology to harness the power of Graph Analytics to give Financial Institutions the ability to monitor the Data Financial Institutions, effectively.

For more information, see the Graphs section in MMG User Guide.

·       Graph Refresh Schedules feature is included inside the Graphs.

·       UI/UX improvements on the Graph screens.

·       Integration with the Model Pipelines. You can now promote the associated Graphs and its execution schedules to production.

·       PGX and related interpreters have been added to the Data Studio.

9        Performance Improvements

·       Responsiveness of DataStudio.

·       Loading for Dataset's Entity selection.

·       Configurable performance parameters for Data Studio.

10      Dataset

·       Monitor the data variations over time.

·       Analyze and compare the Data snapshots.

·       Generate Data Drift report.

11       Third-Party Library upgrades

·       Java has been upgraded to version 11 and above. Any version less than 11 is not supported.

·       OJET has been upgraded to version 13.

·       Data Studio has been upgraded to 22.4.2

·       PGX server version 22.4.2 has been added to support the Graph feature.

12      Enhancements to Installer and Utility

·       Additional support to approve the models from Model Import Utility.

·       Enhanced the Installer where you can enable or disable the R interpreter in the Data Studio.

Known Issues and Limitations in this Release


·       Encode categorical feature transform fails with MODIN dataframe library if the selected features contain different values.

·       Cache functionality might not work as intended while using MODIN dataframe library.

·       Objective name in the Model Report from the flat list summary of models is displayed as 'Model lists' instead of the actual objective name.

·       The Previous result is displayed in the notebook tab of the production workspace.

·       Select all data sourcing objects does not work as intended during workspace provisioning.

·       Error log table creation fails if the column data types are LONG, CLOB, BLOB, BFILE, and ADT during Sandbox data population.

·       The PDF of the Model Report does not contain data in the outputs section.

Features or Modules Desupported

The following UI elements-related changes are done in MMG Studio:

·       Publishing of Models option from the Model Summary screen has been deprecated and will be removed in the upcoming releases. Deployment of Models published from the Model Summary screen will not promote the associated dependencies such as Graphs, Parameter Sets, DataSet, and Models.

·       Import option is now disabled in the Edit Workspace screen.

·       Accessing the Notebook directly from the Studio will not have the below options:

o   Workspace attachment button.

o   Re-initialization option.

o   Option of the opening model draft in the Studio from Model Summary is not available.