Financial Services Model Management and Governance (OFS MMG) Application Pack, v8. Maintenance Level Release #4 (


OFS MMG Maintenance Release #4 (ID 35250055).

This release of the OFS MMG Application Pack is cumulative of all enhancements and bug fixes completed since the v8. release.

NOTE: For information about the Hardware and Software Requirements for this release, see the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Technology Matrix.

How to Apply this Release?

For instructions on how to install this OFS MMG Application Pack Release, see the Oracle Financial Services Model Management and Governance Application Pack Installation Guide, Release

New Features and Enhancements in this Release

1          Workspace

·       Tool tips added in Workspace Code name, Datasource name, Hive details, Test Connection, Wallet Alias, and Table owner.

·       Support to an Audit trail of start and stop of mmg-ui and mmg-service.

·       Global Audit trail has been added.

·       Workspace Delete now additionally purges underlying objects such as Datasets and Schedular service.

·       Execution History option has been added in the View Workspace.

·       Test Connection has been now enabled in View Workspace.

·       Notification feature integration in MMG.(currently only data population).

2         UI/UX Enhancements

·       Improved UI messages and logging.

·       Standardized layouts and controls on all the screens.

·       UI/UX improvements in line with the Redwood design.

3         Model Pipelines

·       Introduced Spectra Pack diagram builder for Pipeline Canvas and Execution History. This is a replacement for the old canvas Unlike the previous design where each node is placed on X and Y coordinates, the Spectra Pack diagram is based on row and column positioning.

·       Added new tasks to support Kafka in the Pipeline Canvas screen. The Kafka feature is fully enabled now and moved out of the Beta phase.

·       Improvements on Session Management.

·       Node details display Studio Paragraph in an inline frame (iframe).

·       Support to select an interpreter while adding Paragraphs in the Model Pipelines.

·       Improved Re-order Action links or icons and Script template has been added in the Action icon drop-down.

·       Introduced Conditional Nodes in Pipeline Canvas. The Conditional node is used to determine which node will be executed next, based on a given condition, and are alternative to conditional links. Currently, only the If node, which will have true/false links is implemented.

·       Ability to Stop execution when a pipeline is running.

·       You can now select Interpreters of various types for the API widget.

4        Scheduler Service

·       Support for email notification

·       Introduced Scheduler Include Jobs

·       Pause option for Schedules has been introduced.

5         Identity Management

·       JIT sync of username/email Id

6        Model Catalog

·       UI/UX improvements

7         Performance Improvements

·       Responsiveness of DataStudio.

·       Loading for Dataset's Entity selection.

·       Configurable performance parameters for Data Studio.

·       HTTP/2 protocol support

o   Reduces response size in every request

o   HTTP connection multiplexing

8        Dataset

·       Hive Schema Table Fetching

·       Audit trail for Datasets has been introduced

·       Support to select mmg python oracle connection module from cx-Oracle to oracledb

·       PLS Approvals for mmg lib packages and update in mmg lib

·       Widgets such as Feature selection, and Feature Importance has been introduced.

·       Data Lineage feature has been introduced

·       Enhancements to Data Profiler

·       UI/UX improvements

9        Support for CONDA

·       UI for Registering, and attaching workspaces

·       Execution of models through registered Conda ens

·       Promoting Models with runtime Conda env python

10      Data Studio

·       Data Studio has been upgraded to 22.4.3

11       Enhancements to Installer and Utility

·       Additional support to approve the models from Model Import Utility.

·       Enhanced the Installer where you can enable or disable the R interpreter in the Data Studio.

·       Metadata Manager for migrating Model objects from 81x MMG setups

12      Miscellaneous

·       API versioning

o   Support different versions of MMG REST API endpoints based on the release versions.

Known Issues and Limitations in this Release


·       Encode categorical feature transform fails with MODIN dataframe library if the selected features contain different values.

·       Cache functionality might not work as intended while using MODIN dataframe library.

·       Objective name in the Model Report from the flat list summary of models is displayed as 'Model lists' instead of the actual objective name.

·       The Previous result is displayed in the notebook tab of the production workspace.

·       Select all data sourcing objects does not work as intended during workspace provisioning.

·       Error log table creation fails if the column data types are LONG, CLOB, BLOB, BFILE, and ADT during Sandbox data population.

·       The PDF of the Model Report does not contain data in the output section.

Features or Modules Desupported

The following UI elements-related changes are done in MMG Studio:

·       Publishing of Models option from the Model Summary screen has been deprecated and will be removed in the upcoming releases. Deployment of Models published from the Model Summary screen will not promote the associated dependencies such as Graphs, Parameter Sets, DataSet, and Models.

·       Import option is now disabled in the Edit Workspace screen.

·       Accessing the Notebook directly from the Studio will not have the below options:

o   Workspace attachment button.

o   Re-initialization option.

o   Option of the opening model draft in the Studio from Model Summary is not available.