8Migrating Picklist Value Groups

Migrating Picklist Value Groups

This chapter describes how to migrate picklist value groups using the command-line interface of the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client. It contains the following topics:

Picklist Value Groups

You can use a picklist value group to limit values that users can select in a picklist. A picklist value can be mapped to one or more picklist value groups. However, if there are no values mapped to a picklist value group, then the picklist displays all values. For more information about picklist value groups see, Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.

For example, if an Account record has a defined picklist value group, then only the picklist values mapped to the defined picklist value group are displayed in the respective picklist fields. The following is a typical picklist value group structure:

      <Account/Account Type>
            <Account Type Value1>
            <Account Type Value2>
       <Service Request/Status>
            <SR status value1>
            <SR status value14>
       <Account/Account Type>
            <Account Type Value2>
            <Account Type Value3>
       <Account/Account Status>
            <Account Status Value1>
            <Account Status Value3>

The following table describes the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client commands used with picklist value groups. For more information about running these commands, see Migrating Picklist Value Groups.

Table Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Commands for Picklist Value Groups

Command Description

Read PickValueGroup PickValueGroupName

This command exports the picklist value group details for the specified picklist value group.

ReadAll PickValueGroup

This command exports all picklist value groups in the Oracle CRM On Demand tenant.

Upsert PickValueGroup PickValueGroupXML

This command updates or inserts a picklist value group.

Note: Nonadministrative Oracle CRM On Demand users can run the Read and ReadAll command.

Privileges Required for Migrating Picklist Value Groups

The following privileges are required for the user account running the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client commands:

  • For Read and ReadAll commands: Enable Web Services Access.

  • For the Upsert command: Enable Web Services Access and Customize Application.

For information about setting and checking privileges, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.

Elements and Sections in the Picklist Value Groups XML Output File

The following table describes the elements and sections in the picklist value group XML output file.

Table Elements and Sections in the Picklist Value Group XML File

Description Element or Section

<PicklistValueGroupName> contains the case-sensitive system name of the picklist value group.

<data:PicklistValueGroupName>PVG Name

<Description> contains the description for the picklist value group.

<data:Description>PVG description

<PickValueGroupID> contains the row ID of the picklist value group.


The <ListOfPicklistTypeSet> section contains details of the picklist values that are mapped to the picklist value group.

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The <PicklistTypeSet> section contains details of the mapped picklist values from one picklist field, as follows:

  • <ObjectName> contains the system name of the record type to which the picklist field belongs.

  • <FieldName> contains the system name of the picklist field.

  • The <ListOfLicNameSet> section contains the details of the values from this picklist field that are mapped to the picklist value group. Each <LicName> element contains the language-independent name of a single picklist value.

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Migrating Picklist Value Groups

The following topics provide examples of how to use the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client to migrate picklist value groups:

Note: Back up your configuration data and all other relevant data before running the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client.

Extracting a Single Picklist Value Group

This topic describes how to extract the data for one picklist value group from your Oracle CRM On Demand environment (customer test environment or production environment).


migrationtool -u UserID -s ServerURL Read PickValueGroup PickValueGroupName


  • UserID is the user sign-in ID that has the appropriate privileges to run the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client commands.

  • ServerURL is the URL for the Oracle CRM On Demand server where your company resides.

  • PickValueGroupName is the name of the picklist value group that you want to extract.

Extracting All Picklist Value Groups

This topic describes how to extract all picklist value group data from your Oracle CRM On Demand environment (customer test environment or production).


The following is the syntax for using the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client to extract all picklist value groups for all objects:

migrationtool -u UserID -s ServerURL ReadAll PickValueGroup 


  • UserID is the user sign-in ID that has the appropriate privileges to run the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client commands.

  • ServerURL is the URL for the Oracle CRM On Demand server where your company resides.

Updating or Inserting a Picklist Value Group

This topic describes how to update a set of picklist value group values (if the set exists) or insert a set of picklist value group values (if the set does not exist) in your Oracle CRM On Demand environment (customer test environment or production environment).


The following is the syntax for using the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client to update a set of picklist value group values (if the set exists) or insert a set of picklist value group values (if the set does not exist).

migrationtool -u UserID -s ServerURL Upsert PickValueGroup PickValueGroupXML


  • UserID is the user sign-in ID that has the appropriate privileges to run the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client commands.

  • ServerURL is the URL for the Oracle CRM On Demand server where your company resides.

  • PickValueGroupXML is the fully qualified path name of the picklist value group XML file, for example:

    C:\My Files\MyAccountPicklistValueGroup.xml