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My Homepage

From My Homepage, you can review the information for your work day. You can:

  • Check your schedule for appointments in the Today’s Calendar section.

    NOTE: If the Activity Notification field settings at user level or at company level allow you to receive pop-up reminders, then when you sign in to Oracle CRM On Demand, the Activity Reminder pop-up window displays any reminders that are due for activities that you own or on which you appear in the list of users. If any alert windows appear when you sign in, then you must close the alert windows before you can interact with the Activity Reminder pop-up window. For more information about the Activity Reminder pop-up window, see About Activity Reminders.

  • Review time-sensitive alerts that inform you of deadlines, such as submitting forecasts, in the Alerts section. Alerts are set up by your company administrator. Your administrator might also set up some alerts so that they appear in a scrolling text bar at the bottom of each page in Oracle CRM On Demand, or in separate pop-up windows when you sign in to Oracle CRM On Demand, or in both of these locations. For more information about the scrolling text bar and pop-up alert windows, see Reviewing Your Alerts.
  • Scan the list of open tasks, sorted by the due date and priority (up arrow for 1-High, no arrow for 2-Medium, down arrow for 3-Low), in the Open Tasks section.

    NOTE: If your company administrator changes the display values for the Priority field from the default values (for example, from the default value of 1-High to a value of Highest), then Oracle CRM On Demand does not display arrows in the Priority field for the task lists unless your company administrator uses the following patterns: 1-label, 2-label, or 3-label, where label is the name that your company administrator gives to the task priority. In this case, Oracle CRM On Demand displays an up arrow for 1-label, no arrow for 2-label, a down arrow for 3-label, and no arrow for any other display values. For example, Oracle CRM On Demand displays an up arrow for a value of 1-My Highest, but it displays no arrow for a value of My Highest. Oracle CRM On Demand displays no arrows for any custom values that your company administrator adds to the picklist for the Priority field. For more information about changing the default values for picklists, such as the Priority field, see Changing Picklist Values.

  • Review recently created or recently modified records.

    In the standard application, the Recently Created Leads section displays the leads that were created most recently. You or your company administrator can customize My Homepage to display other types of records.

  • View a list of your favorite contacts.

    The Favorite Contacts section shows the names of a maximum of 10 contacts that you added to your favorite records. The order of the contacts in the Favorite Contacts section is determined by the date on which you added the contacts to your favorite records, and not by the date on which the contact records were created. The contacts are listed in descending order by date, with the contact that you most recently added to your favorite records appearing at the top of the list. From the Favorite Contacts section, you can open the full list of your favorite contacts by clicking Show Full List. For information about the Favorite Contacts list, see About the Favorite Contacts List.

  • Review an analysis relevant to you.

    One or more report sections might be shown on My Homepage, depending on how your company administrator has configured My Homepage. In the standard application, My Homepage shows an analysis of the quality of your opportunities for the current quarter (Pipeline Quality for Current Quarter).

  • View Web widgets, RSS feeds, and other Web content.

    Depending on what the company administrator has set up, and what is included in your page layout, you can view embedded Web content on My Homepage. This Web content might include Web widgets, such as Google maps or corporate videos, and RSS feeds. For more information about how external Web content is set up, see About Custom Web Applets.

Your company administrator can customize the layout of My Homepage. In addition, if your user role includes the Personalize Homepages privilege, you can add sections to the page, and remove sections from the page.

The following table provides instructions for typical tasks you can perform from My Homepage.

To do this

Follow these steps


View a list of alerts

In the Alerts section, click the Show Full List link. The Alerts page opens.

View an alert

In the Alerts section, click the link for the alert. The Alert page opens with additional information about the alert.


Create an appointment

In the Today’s Calendar section, click New. On the Appointment Edit page, fill in the required information and save the record.

Review an appointment record

In the Today’s Calendar section, click the Subject link of the appointment you want to review. The Appointment Detail page appears.

Review this month’s appointments

In the Today’s Calendar title bar, click the 31 icon. The Calendar opens with the month’s schedule.

Review this week’s appointments

In the Today’s Calendar title bar, click the 7 icon. The Calendar opens with the week’s schedule.

Review today’s appointments

In the Today’s Calendar section, click the View Calendar link, or the 1 icon. The Calendar opens with your appointments for today.


Change the layout of My Homepage

To change the information that appears in two sections on My Homepage, click Edit Layout, and click the arrows to add or remove sections, and to organize the sections on the page.


NOTE: In the standard application, the Recently Created Leads section displays the leads that were created most recently. You or your company administrator can customize My Homepage to display other types of records, for example, Recently Modified Accounts.

Create a record

In the title bar of the section that displays records, click New. On the Edit page, fill in the required information, and save the record.

Review a record

In the section displaying records, click the link of the record that you want to review. The Record Detail page opens.

Review a list of records

In the section displaying records, click Show Full List. The Record List page opens.


Slice the chart by another category

Depending on the analysis that appears, you might be able to click the drop-down list and change the selection. The chart and table show the data categorized by your selection.

In the standard application, you can do this with the Pipeline Quality for Current Quarter.

View the records comprising a segment in the chart or table

Depending on the analysis that appears, you might be able to drill down on a segment or link to view the records comprising that category.

In the standard application, you can do this with the Pipeline Quality for Current Quarter section.


Create a task

In the Open Tasks section, click New. On the Task Edit page, fill in the required information and save the record.

Review a task record

In the Open Tasks section, click the Subject link of the task you want to review. The Task Detail page appears.

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.