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About Calendars and Theme Styles

Two theme styles are available in Oracle CRM On Demand: the classic style and the modern style. The theme style is one of the features that determine the appearance of the Calendar pages. For example, the icons for the daily, weekly, and monthly view are different in the classic and modern theme styles. The following table describes some of the other differences in the Calendar pages in the theme styles.

NOTE: The instructions provided in the online help typically reflect the themes that have the classic style.

Calendar Feature

Classic Style

Modern Style

Layout of the daily calendar view

  • Half-hour time slots are not indicated.
  • The start and end dates and times are not shown for appointments that span multiple days.
  • Half-hour time slots are indicated by thin lines.
  • Appointments that span multiple days are shown at the top of the daily calendar view. The start and end dates and times of the appointments are shown. If there are more than five appointments that span multiple days, then you can scroll to see the additional appointments.
  • If there are appointments in time slots outside of the time slots that are shown for the day, then up and down arrows are shown as necessary. You can click the arrows to see more appointments.

Layout of the weekly calendar view

  • The days of the week are shown on the left of the calendar view.
  • The hours of the day are not shown.
  • The appointments for a day are listed in the row for that day.
  • For appointments that span multiple days, the start and end times are shown. The start and end dates are not shown.
  • The days of the week are shown at the top of the calendar view.
  • The hours of the day are shown on the left of the calendar view.
  • The details of an appointment are shown in the time slot or slots in which the appointment occurs. If some of the details are not visible, then you can rest your pointer on the entry to see the details.
  • Appointments that span multiple days are shown at the top of the weekly calendar view. The start and end dates and times of the appointments are indicated. If there are more than five appointments that span multiple days, then you can scroll to see the additional appointments.
  • If there are appointments in time slots outside of the time slots that are shown for the days of the week, then up and down arrows are shown as necessary. You can click the arrows to see more appointments.

Layout of the monthly calendar view

For appointments that span multiple days, the start time is shown in the cell for the start date.

Appointments that span multiple days are shown across the slots for the relevant days in the monthly calendar view. The start and end times are shown. However, if the start date is in a previous month, then the start date and a left arrow are shown instead of the start time. If the end date is in a future month, then the end date and a right arrow are shown instead of the end time.

Access to other calendar views

  • In the User tab, you can access the calendars of other users in your group and users who share their calendar with you.
  • In the Group tab, you can view a combined calendar for the members of your group, as well as any custom group calendar views that you set up.
  • In the Group Tasks tab, you can view a list of the tasks assigned to your group.
  • The My Calendar button returns you to your own calendar from the calendar of another user.

A menu provides the following options:

  • Group Calendar. View a combined calendar for the members of your group, as well as any custom group calendar views that you set up.
  • Group Tasks. View a list of the tasks assigned to your group.
  • User Calendar. View the calendars of other users in your group and users who share their calendar with you.
  • My Calendar. Return to your own calendar from the calendar of another user.

    Your current view determines which options are available in the menu.

Creating new appointments

To open the Appointment Edit page, where you can enter the details of the new appointment, do one of the following:

  • Click New Appointment.
  • In the weekly or monthly view of your own or another user's calendar, click the plus icon (+) for the day on which you want to create the appointment.

To open the Appointment Edit page, where you can enter the details of the new appointment, do one of the following:

  • In your own calendar, or another user's calendar, or a group calendar, click New.
  • In the daily or weekly view of your own or another user's calendar:
    • Double-click the time slot. By default, the new appointment starts at the start time of the time slot you clicked, and the duration is 60 minutes. You can change the details.
    • Double-click the space at the top of the calendar view, where the appointments that span multiple days are shown. (If you are in the weekly calendar view, double-click directly below the day that you want the appointment to start.) By default, the new appointment starts at 12 P.M. on the day that you clicked, and the duration is 1440 minutes (24 hours). You can change the details.
  • In the monthly view of your own or another user's calendar, double-click the space for the day. By default, the new appointment starts at 12 P.M. on that day, and the duration is 60 minutes. You can change the details.

Editing appointments

NOTE: For information about rescheduling an appointment by dragging it and dropping it within a calendar view, see About Dragging and Dropping Appointments in the Calendar.

In the daily, weekly, or monthly calendar view, do one of the following:

  • To open the Appointment Edit page, click the Edit link in the appointment.
  • To open the Appointment Detail page, click the subject link in the appointment.

In the daily, weekly, or monthly calendar view, do one of the following:

  • To open the Appointment Edit page, double-click the appointment, or right-click the appointment, and then select Edit.
  • To open the Appointment Detail page, click the subject link in the appointment.

    In the daily or weekly calendar view, you can also quickly change the start time or end time of an appointment that does not span multiple days, by clicking and dragging the border of the appointment, as follows:

  • To change the start time, click the upper border of the appointment and drag it to a time slot.
  • To change the end time, click the lower border of the appointment and drag it to a time slot.

    NOTE: When you drag the border of an appointment to a time slot, the border always aligns with the start or end of the 30-minute time slot. You cannot drag the border of an appointment to a time within a time slot.

The new start and end times must allow the appointment to start and end within the same day as the existing appointment.

Saving appointments as iCalendar files

In the daily, weekly, or monthly calendar view, click the Save as iCalendar link in the appointment.

In the daily, weekly, or monthly calendar view, right-click the appointment, and then select Save as iCalendar.

Deleting appointments

In the daily, weekly, or monthly calendar view, click the subject link in the appointment to open the Appointment Detail page, and then click Delete.

In the daily, weekly, or monthly calendar view, do one of the following:

  • Right-click the appointment and then select Delete.
  • Click the subject link in the appointment to open the Appointment Detail page, and then click Delete.

TIP: In themes that have the modern style, overlapping appointments are shown side-by-side in the daily and weekly calendar views. If there are multiple appointments in a time slot, then some of the appointments might not be shown. If there are more appointments in a time slot than can be shown in the weekly calendar view, then you can change to the daily calendar view to see additional appointments. If there are more appointments in a time slot than can be shown in the daily calendar view, then you can view the appointments in a list. For information about viewing lists of appointments, see Working with Activity Lists.

Color Coding by Appointment Type

In both modern and classic theme styles, depending on how your administrator sets up the theme that you use, the background and text colors for some or all of the appointments in your calendar views might be determined by the appointment type. If your administrator sets up color coding for any of the appointment types for your theme, then a key to the color coding appears at the bottom of your calendar views, showing the background colors that are assigned to those appointment types. If an appointment type does not have any custom colors assigned to it, then appointments of that type are shown in the default colors for your theme. The color coding is used in the daily, weekly, and monthly views of your own calendar and the individual calendars of other users who share their calendar with you.

NOTE: The color coding that is used for the text in the Planned Calls section of the Calendar pages is not determined by the color coding for appointment types. For information about the color coding that is used for planned calls, see Calendar and Activities.

Background Colors for Time Slots

The settings for work days and business hours, as well as the type of theme that you use, determine the background colors for time slots in some of the calendar views. The settings for work days and business hours can be specified at company level and at user level. For more information, see About Calendar Work Days and Business Hours.

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.