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About Record Locking

For certain record types, your company administrator can set up processes to restrict the actions that you can perform on a record while a field on the record has a particular value. Restricting users from performing certain actions in this way is referred to as locking records. When a record is locked by a process, Oracle CRM On Demand does not allow you to perform the actions that are not permitted by the process, and you might also see an error message if you try to perform an action that is not permitted.

Depending on how your company administrator configures the record-locking processes for your company, the processes can restrict user actions as follows:

  • Record-level actions. Record-locking processes can prevent you from performing the following actions on a locked record:
    • Updating the record.
    • Deleting the record.
    • Removing the record from a relationship with another record, if removing the record from the relationship results in the record being deleted from Oracle CRM On Demand. However, if removing the record from the relationship does not result in the record being deleted from Oracle CRM On Demand, then you can remove the record from the relationship even if you are prevented from deleting the record.

      For example, your company administrator might set up a process for the Solution record type. The process might prevent you from deleting solutions that have the Approved status, or from updating solutions that have the Obsolete status, and so on.

  • Related record-level actions. Record-locking processes can prevent you from performing the following actions on records of a given related record type while the parent record is locked:
    • Creating a new record of the related record type from the parent record.
    • Updating records of the related record type that are child records of the parent record. In this case, you cannot update the related records from anywhere in Oracle CRM On Demand while the parent record is locked.
    • Adding an existing record of the related record type to the parent record.

      For example, you might be prevented from linking contact records to a task when the status on the task is set to Completed.

  • Field-level actions. Record-locking processes can prevent you from updating certain fields while a field on the record has a particular value so that the record is partially locked.

    For example, if your company uses shared addresses, then you might be prevented from updating address lines 1, 2, and 3, the State, Zip or Postal Code, and Country fields while the status on the address is set to Validated. However, you can continue to update any custom fields on the address record.

For information about setting up processes to lock records, see Process Administration.

About Overriding Record-Locking Processes

Certain users are given the Override Process Administration privilege so that they can update locked records. If your user role has the Override Process Administration privilege enabled, then the record-locking processes do not prevent you from performing actions on locked records. In addition, you do not see any warning messages or error messages to indicate that a record is locked.

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