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About the Record Pane in List Pages

In many List pages, you can open a record in the record pane without navigating away from the List page. Within the record pane, you can work with the record, as long as you have the necessary access rights for the record. For example, you can do the following:

  • View the record details.
  • View the related information sections for the record.
  • Edit the fields on the record and in the related information sections of the Detail page, if the inline edit functionality is enabled.
  • Preview linked records, using the record preview functionality.
  • Delete the record.

The record pane functionality is available in most lists of records in Oracle CRM On Demand. Certain lists do not support the record pane. If the record pane is supported for a list, and if there is at least one record in the list, then you see the Toggle Record Pane icon on the right-hand side of the title bar in the List page:

Icon to open or close the record pane

If a list does not support the record pane, then the Toggle Record Pane icon is not available in the List page.

NOTE: The record pane is not supported in any of the lists that you access through the administration pages in Oracle CRM On Demand.

Considerations That Apply When Working in the Record Pane

When working in the record pane, note the following points:

  • Customized code and custom Web applets. Your administrator can use customized code and custom HTML head additions to customize pages in Oracle CRM On Demand. For example, your administrator might add a custom button to a record Detail page, or add a custom Web applet that contains customized code to the page. In some cases, such customizations might not work as expected when you work with the record in the record pane.
  • Updating and refreshing the record in the record pane. If another user updates the record while you have it open in the record pane, then a message appears when you try to update the record. If that happens, then you must refresh the record in the record pane by clicking the row for the record in the list section of the page again.
  • Deleting records in the record pane. If you delete the record in the record pane, then the record pane closes. The list refreshes, and the record is no longer available in the list.
  • Actions that navigate away from the List page. In the record pane, if you click a link that opens another page in Oracle CRM On Demand, such as the Show Full List link in a related information section, or if you click a button to perform an action such as creating a new record, then a new page opens. The new page replaces the List page. If you want to return to the list, then you can use the Back link to navigate back to the list.
  • List navigation and inline editing. The following considerations apply to the list section of the page:
    • The navigation icons at the top or bottom of the list section that allow you to move to the next page, previous page, first page, or last page of the list are available when the record pane is open. However, if you have a record open in the record pane, and if you navigate to another page in the list, then the record closes. The record pane remains open.
    • You cannot edit fields inline in the list section of the page while the record pane is open.
    • The Alpha Search controls and the Quick Filter fields that you typically use to filter a list are not available while the record pane is open. If you want to filter the list, then you must close the record pane.
    • You cannot sort the list while the record pane is open. If you want to sort the list, then you must close the record pane.
    • You cannot change the number of records displayed in the List page while the record pane is open. If you want to change the number of records displayed in the List page, then you must close the record pane.

Related Topics

See the following topic for related information:

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