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Alert Fields

The following table describes the field information you might see in an alert record. If you are an administrator, you can see and update all alert fields. Otherwise, you are restricted to viewing a limited number of alert fields.




Title of the alert as it will appear on My Homepage.


Priority of the alert, which is indicated by the icon next to it on My Homepage.

Display Popup Window on Sign In

If this check box is selected, then the alert text appears in a separate pop-up window when users sign in.

Additional Information URL

URL or filename and directory path associated with the alert.

NOTE: You cannot edit this field inline in the alert details. To edit this field, you must open the Alert Edit page.

Alert Description

Text as it will appear in the alert.

Post Date

Date you want the alert to begin being broadcast across My Homepage.

Expiration Date

Date you want the alert to end being broadcast across My Homepage.

Displayed Hyperlink

The hyperlink text for the URL or file path that you entered in the Additional Information URL field in the alert.

For example, if you entered a URL for a Web page that provides directions to a meeting in the Additional Information URL field, such as “”, then you might type “Directions to meeting” for the link text.

Scrolling Text Bar

If this check box is selected, then the alert text appears in a scrolling text bar at the bottom of each page in Oracle CRM On Demand.

TIP:  You can create filtered lists to limit the type of alert records displayed at one time. For instructions, see Working with Lists.

Related Topics

See the following topic for related information about company-wide alerts:

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