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Viewing Alert Acknowledgements

If the Display Popup Window on Sign In check box is selected on an alert record, then the alert appears in a pop-up window when the relevant users sign in. If the Scrolling Text Bar check box is selected on an alert record, then the alert appears in a scrolling text bar at the bottom of the page in Oracle CRM On Demand for the relevant users.

A user can dismiss an alert and acknowledge that they read the alert by selecting the check box labeled “I have read this, never show again” and then clicking OK. The alert will not appear again in a pop-up window or in the scrolling text bar for that user, but the alert continues to be available through the Alerts section of My Homepage until the alert expires.

If an alert is configured to appear in a pop-up window, or in the scrolling text bar, or in both of these locations, then you can view a list of the users who acknowledged that they read the alert.

To view the acknowledgements for an alert

  1. In the upper right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. In the Company Administration section, click the Company Administration link.
  3. In the Alert Management section, click the Company Alerts link.
  4. Click the title of the alert.
  5. In the Alerts page, in the Acknowledged By Users related information section, click Show Full List.

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.