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Creating Dashboards

The following procedure describes how to create a dashboard.

Before you begin. To perform this procedure, your user role must have the Access V3 Analytics privilege and the Manage Dashboards privilege.

To create a dashboard

  1. Click the Analytics tab.
  2. In the Home page, in the Create section, click Dashboard.
  3. In the New Dashboard dialog box, enter a name and description for the dashboard.

    NOTE: The maximum number of characters that you can use in a dashboard name is 512.

  4. Select the location where the dashboard is to be saved.

    If you save a dashboard in the Dashboards subfolder directly under /Shared Folders/Company Wide Shared Folder or in the Dashboards subfolder directly under /Shared Folders/Migrated Company Wide Shared Folder, then the dashboard can be included in the Dashboards drop-down list in the Analytics pages, where a maximum of 300 dashboards can be listed. If you save a dashboard in a Dashboards subfolder at any other level (such as /Shared Folders/Sales/Dashboard), or in any other subfolder, then the dashboard cannot be included in the Dashboards drop-down list. To save a dashboard under the /Shared Folders/Migrated Company Wide Shared Folder, your user role must include the Access Migrated Company Wide Shared Folder privilege.

  5. Specify whether you want to add content to the new dashboard now or later.
  6. Click OK.
  7. If you specified to add content:
    1. Now, then the new dashboard, which contains one blank page, is displayed in the Dashboard builder for editing.
    2. Later, then an empty dashboard is created (but not displayed) to which you can add content later.

Related Topics

See the following topic for related information:

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