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A dashboard can display saved analyses, as well as images, text, and links to Web sites and documents. A dashboard consists of one or more pages and subpages, which appear as tabs across the top of the dashboard. Dashboards are sometimes referred to as interactive dashboards.

A personal dashboard, named My Dashboard, is available to each user in Oracle CRM On Demand. My Dashboard initially has no content. If your user role includes the Access V3 Analytics privilege, then you can do the following:

  • Access your personal dashboard and add content to it, even if your user role does not allow you to create or edit other dashboards. For more information, see Working with My Dashboard.
  • View any custom dashboards to which you have access. For more information, see Viewing Dashboards.

Some prebuilt dashboards are also provided, which you can view if your user role includes the following privileges:

  • Access Analytics Dashboards - View Prebuilt Dashboards
  • Access Analytics Reports - View Prebuilt Analyses
  • Access V3 Analytics

If your user role includes the Manage Dashboards privilege as well as the Access V3 Analytics privilege, then you can use the dashboard builder to create dashboards and save them in any Analytics folder to which you have access.

NOTE: You cannot change the prebuilt dashboards.

For step-by-step instructions for working with Dashboards, see the following topics:

Related Topics

See the following topics for related information:

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