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Changing Dashboard Properties

You can set the properties for the entire dashboard, and you can delete, reorder, and hide pages. Changing the dashboard properties automatically saves any changes you made to the page that you were working on.

Before you begin. To edit a dashboard, your user role must have the Access V3 Analytics privilege. To edit dashboards other than your own personal dashboard (My Dashboard), your user role must also have the Manage Dashboards privilege. In addition, to edit a custom dashboard that is stored under /Shared Folders/Migrated Company Wide Shared Folder, your user role must have the Access Migrated Company Wide Shared Folder privilege.

To change the properties of a dashboard

  1. Open the dashboard in the dashboard builder.

    For information about opening a dashboard in the dashboard builder, see Editing Dashboards.

  2. Click the Tools icon and select Dashboard Properties.
  3. In the Dashboard Properties dialog box, make your changes.

    The following are some of the actions that you can perform in the Dashboard Properties dialog box:

    • Add a description for the dashboard. Descriptions are stored but do not appear on the dashboards.
    • Reorder the dashboard pages. Select the page you want to move and use the directional arrows to move the page to its new location.
    • Hide a dashboard page. This allows you to hide the page from other users. For example, if you are currently making changes to the page, then you might want to hide the page from other users until after you complete your changes. However, if any users are currently viewing the page, the page remains visible to those users.

      After you finish making your changes, you must deselect the Hide Page check box again to make the page visible to other users.

      CAUTION: Other than hiding or reordering pages, any actions that you perform in the Dashboard Pages section of the Dashboard Properties dialog box are not undone if you click Cancel to close the dialog box.

    • Rename a dashboard page. When you rename a dashboard page, you can preserve users' references to the old name. This action creates a shortcut with the old name that points to the renamed dashboard page in the catalog.
    • Delete a dashboard page.
  4. Click OK to save your changes.

NOTE: You cannot change the permissions on a dashboard page. The Security icon in the Dashboard Properties dialog box is disabled.

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.