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Changing Print and Export Options for Dashboards

You can specify the page settings and header and footer content for the PDF output from a dashboard. Dashboards and views are printed in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. Adobe Reader 6.0 or greater is required to print using Adobe PDF.

If you add a header or footer, the text appears in both the printable HTML output and the PDF output, and in general, the formatting that you apply to the header or footer text is applied in both types of output. However, the options for overriding the style and class elements specified in Oracle CRM On Demand style sheets apply to HTML output only.

NOTE: The print selections that you specify apply to PDF output only. If you print the PDF on a local or network printer, the print selections specified in your browser are in effect, such as the selection for paper size.

Before you begin. To edit a dashboard, your user role must have the Access V3 Analytics privilege. To edit dashboards other than your own personal dashboard (My Dashboard), your user role must also have the Manage Dashboards privilege. In addition, to edit a custom dashboard that is stored under /Shared Folders/Migrated Company Wide Shared Folder, your user role must have the Access Migrated Company Wide Shared Folder privilege.

To change the print and export options for a dashboard

  1. Open the dashboard in the dashboard builder.

    For information about opening a dashboard in the dashboard builder, see Editing Dashboards.

  2. Click the Tools icon and select Print and Export Properties.

    The Print and Export Control dialog box appears.

  3. Make your selections for the page settings.

    NOTE: The Standard Print Layouts options determine whether users can print the dashboard, and the Standard Excel Output options determine whether users can export the dashboard and pages from the dashboard. These settings apply when users run the dashboard from an area where it is embedded, such as a Web applet, Web tab, or Web link, as well as when users run the dashboard from the Analytics pages. If you want to prevent users from printing the dashboard, or exporting the dashboard and dashboard pages, then deselect the appropriate check boxes.

  4. To add a header or footer, do the following:
    1. Select the appropriate option, and click Edit.
    2. Use the options in the dialog box to construct the header or footer.

      Headers and footers can each contain up to three lines.

    3. To apply cosmetic formatting to a header or footer element, click the formatting button to open the Edit Format dialog box.
    4. Make your selections for the font, cell area, border area, and additional formatting options.

      NOTE: You can find more information about some of the formatting options in Applying Formatting to Dashboards.

    5. Click OK to close the Edit Format dialog box.
    6. Click OK to save the header or footer.
  5. When you finish changing the print and export options, click OK.

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.