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Applying Formatting to Dashboards

In the dashboard builder, a formatting dialog box provides access to and control over the visual attributes of dashboards. Depending on the object that you are formatting, the dialog box displays different options, such as font, cell, and border controls, background color, and additional formatting options, such as cell padding. The formatting affects the visual appearance of the columns and sections on a dashboard, such as background color and borders.

When selections for horizontal and vertical alignment appear, they are similar to text justification selections in word processors. Vertical alignment does not have any impact unless the column spans multiple rows of the other columns.

Before you begin. To edit a dashboard, your user role must have the Access V3 Analytics privilege. To edit dashboards other than your own personal dashboard (My Dashboard), your user role must also have the Manage Dashboards privilege. In addition, to edit a custom dashboard that is stored under /Shared Folders/Migrated Company Wide Shared Folder, your user role must have the Access Migrated Company Wide Shared Folder privilege.

To apply formatting to a dashboard

  1. Open the dashboard in the dashboard builder.

    For information about opening a dashboard in the dashboard builder, see Editing Dashboards.

  2. In the dashboard builder, click the Properties button for a column or section and choose the Column Properties or Format Section option.
  3. In the Cell area, set up the alignment and background color.

    NOTE: For horizontal alignment, the most common justification for text data is left. For numeric data, the most common justification is right.

    Vertical alignment does not have any impact unless the column spans multiple rows of other columns.

  4. In the Border area, make your selections for the border position, color, and style of the cell.

    TIP: You can select or deselect custom borders by clicking the top, bottom, left, and right borders near the Position drop-down list.

  5. To format spacing within the cell, click Additional Formatting Options and specify values for the width and height of the cell contents, and the space above, below, left and right of the contents.

    Values are specified in pixels.

  6. To override the style and class elements specified in Oracle CRM On Demand style sheets, make your selections in the Custom CSS Style Options area:
    1. Click the settings that you want to use.
    2. Provide the location of the class, style, or style sheet.

      NOTE: The advanced style formatting options are for users who know how to work with cascading style sheets.

  7. Click OK.

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.