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Configuring Analytics Visibility Settings

The following table describes how to set up the Analytics Visibility Settings section in the Company Profile page in Oracle CRM On Demand.

NOTE: Some additional fields might be displayed if your company has certain features turned on.



Reporting Subject Areas


Use this picklist to set the visibility for users who want to view real-time reports in Analytics. These reports provide real-time analyses of data. You can select one of the following values:

  • Manager Visibility. Allows users to view their own data, and data directly owned by their subordinates. (This is the default setting.)
  • Team Visibility. Allows users to view their own data, and data shared with them by their Account and Opportunity teams.

    This company-wide setting applies unless users set a value for the Reporting Subject Areas setting in their Personal Detail page. For more information on reports, see Analytics, particularly the About Visibility to Records in Analytics topic.

    NOTE: If you want to restrict visibility to records in real-time reports in Analytics, then you must select a value in this field.

Historical Subject Areas

Use this picklist to set the visibility for users who want to view historical reports in Analytics. These reports provide historical or trend analyses, or contain more complex calculations than those found in real-time reports. You can select one of the following values:

  • Manager Visibility. Allows users to view their own data, and data directly owned by their subordinates. (This is the default setting.)
  • Team Visibility. Allows users to view their own data, and data shared with them by the Account and Opportunity teams.
  • Full Visibility. This setting combines the views of Manager and Team Visibility.

    This company-wide setting applies unless users set a value for the Historical Subject Areas setting in their personal details. For more information on reports, see Analytics, particularly the About Visibility to Records in Analytics topic.

    NOTE: If you want to restrict visibility to records in historical reports in Analytics, then you must select a value in this field.

Role-Based Can Read All Records


Use this picklist to specify whether you want Analytics to use the Can Read All Records setting on a record-type basis, as defined on the Record Type Access page within the Role management wizard. If the Role-Based Can Read All Records setting is enabled through either the company profile or your user profile, and if the Can Read All Records visibility setting is selected by your administrator for your user role on a given record type, then you can view all records of that record type in Analytics.

See About the Role-Based Can Read All Records Setting for guidance on when and how to enable the Role-Based Can Read all Records setting.

If the Role-Based Can Read All Records setting is not enabled, then Analytics uses the visibility set on the Reporting Subject Areas and Historical Subject Areas fields.

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