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How Access Rights for Displaying Primary Record-Type Records are Determined

When a user tries to view a list of records of a primary record type by clicking a tab, or performing a search, or using a Web service, Oracle CRM On Demand uses the following process to determine the access rights of the user to records of that record type:

  • Oracle CRM On Demand determines the permissions given to the user by the privileges on the user role.
  • Oracle CRM On Demand determines the permissions given to the user by the record-type settings on the user role (Has Access, Can Create, and Can Read All Records).

If the user’s privileges allow the user to work with records of a given record type, and the Can Read All Records setting is selected for the record type on the user role, the user can see all records of that record type.

If the user’s privileges allow the user to work with records of a given record type, but the Can Read All Records setting is deselected for the record type on the user role, the user can see any records of that record type that the user owns, as well as any records of that record type that the user is authorized to see through any of the following access-control components:

  • The reporting hierarchy
  • Membership of custom books
  • User delegation
  • Team membership

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