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User Management and Access Controls

This topic provides information on managing users and controlling access.

Before you begin. Do the following:

  • Make sure that you have the appropriate privileges in your user role:
    • To access the User Management and Access Controls link on the Admin Homepage, your user role must include the Manage Users privilege, or the Manage Roles and Access privilege, or both of these privileges.
    • To set up users, your role must include the Manage Users privilege or the Manage Users within the Partner Organization privilege.

      NOTE: Users who have the Manage Users within the Partner Organization privilege can set up users in their own partner organization only.

    • To set up access profiles and roles at your company, your role must include the Manage Roles and Access privilege.
    • To create, edit, or delete a group, your user role must include the Manage Roles and Access privilege. To add users to a group or remove users from a group, your user role must include both the Manage Roles and Access privilege and the Manage Users privilege.
    • To set up books, your role must include the Manage Books privilege.
    • To set up territories at your company, your role must include the Manage Territories privilege.
  • Compare the number of licenses against the number of users that must be active. Only active users can access Oracle CRM On Demand. The total number of active users cannot exceed the number of licenses for your company. For more information on verifying the status of licenses, see Verifying License Statuses and Active Users.
  • Read the background information on roles and access profiles. See the following topics for more information:
  • Determine what profiles you will use to manage data access for books, roles and teams.
  • Determine the role that you want to assign to each user and to whom each user reports. If your organization requires additional roles to accommodate multiple lines of business, create the new ones that you require.

The cumulative setup of all users at your company defines your company's reporting hierarchy and sales quotas.

Individually, for each user at your company, you must specify a user role. A user's role and associated access profile determine an employee's access to tabs, features, and records. They also determine which page layouts the employee sees when using the application.

Click a topic to see the procedure for managing users, access profiles, roles, custom books, and groups:

TIP:  Consider setting up a test user for each role. Then activate the test users to make sure the configurations are set up correctly before activating other users. Do not activate other users until you have completed all user setup activities, including access rights, role layout, reporting and data sharing hierarchy, workflow and any other business process customization. Remember to deactivate test users when testing is complete.

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.