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Creating Books and Book Hierarchies

You create books from the User Management and Access Controls section of the Admin Homepage.

NOTE: You can also create books by importing book records. For more information, see Book Fields: Import Preparation.

Before you begin:

  • To perform this procedure, you must have the Manage Books privilege in your user role.
  • Before you start to create your books and book hierarchies, read the topic About Designing Book Structures.

NOTE: Oracle CRM On Demand generates audit records of all changes to books. If your user role includes the Access Master Audit Trail and Admin Configuration Audit privilege, then you can view the audit trail of the changes to books. For more information about viewing the audit trail, see Reviewing the Audit Trail for Administration Configuration Changes.

The following procedure describes how to create a book.

To create a book

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. In the User Management and Access Controls section of the Admin Homepage, click the Book Management link.
  3. On the Book Hierarchy page, click New.
  4. On the Book Edit page, enter the required information, and then save your record.

    The following table describes the information you must enter for the book.



    Book Name

    For display purposes in the Book selector, the recommended maximum length of a book name is 60 characters.

    Book Type

    (Optional) Select the book type from the picklist.

    Parent Book

    • If this is a root book, leave this field blank.
    • If this is a subbook, click the Lookup icon next to the Parent Book field, and select the parent book.

    Can Contain Data

    Applies only to the current book, not to any subbooks. Select this check box if records will be associated with this book. For performance reasons, apply this feature only to books that contain data.

    NOTE: In the Book selector, which appears throughout Oracle CRM On Demand, custom books containing data are identified by a blue document icon. Custom books that cannot contain data are identified by a yellow folder icon.

Creating Subbooks

If you want to create subbooks for an existing parent book, you can create the subbooks using the method in the previous procedure, or you can create subbooks as described in the following procedure.

To create subbooks for an existing book

  1. On the Book Hierarchy page, click the link for the parent book.
  2. On the Book Details page, click New in the Sub-Books title bar.
  3. On the Book Edit page, enter the information for the book, and save your changes.

Moving a Book to a New Parent Book

You can change a book to make it a subbook of another book, or you can move a subbook from one parent book to another. When you change the parent of a book, the book hierarchy changes as follows:

  • The new parent applies to the current book and any subbooks that are children of the current book.
  • Any users assigned to the old parent book lose access to the current book and its subbooks.
  • Any users assigned to the new parent book gain access to the current book and its subbooks.
  • Any users assigned directly to the current book are unaffected by the change in the parent book.

NOTE: If you want to delete a parent book, you must first remove all its subbooks, users, and data. After you delete a book, the book is stored for 30 days in the Deleted Items area. During that time, you can restore the book. However, after 30 days, the book is permanently purged, and you cannot retrieve it. For information on deleting and restoring records, see Deleting and Restoring Records.

TIP: To find out how many records a specific book contains, create a historical report for each record type. For information about creating reports, see Working with the Analytics Homepage.

The following procedure describes how to move a book to a new parent book.

To move a book to a new parent book

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. In the User Management and Access Controls section of the Admin Homepage, click the Book Management link.
  3. On the Book Hierarchy page, click the Edit link for the book that you want to change.
  4. Click the Lookup icon next to the Parent Book field, and select the new parent book.
  5. Save your changes.

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.