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Book Management

Books are an efficient method of organizing and segregating records, so that users can collaborate without being team members for each record.

Using books to organize your company data makes searches for records faster and more efficient. Books can coexist with groups and teams. If your requirements for providing access to groups of users are straightforward and relatively simple, you can use group assignment. However, if the requirements of group-record ownership are more complex, you are recommended to use books.

Default User Books

In Oracle CRM On Demand, a default book is assigned to each user, and bears the user’s name. When a record is assigned to a user, the record is assigned to the user's default book. Where a record is owned by a team, the team represents the set of default books of the users who are members of the team. User books are automatically associated with records when the record owner is changed, and when team membership is changed.

Custom Books

When the book functionality is enabled, you can create custom books to organize your data to suit your business purposes. Typically, custom books are referred to as books. Books can be independent of each other, or you can organize your books into hierarchies. For example, you can create books to segment your data according to the organizational units of your business, such as territories or products. You can then set up users to have the appropriate level of access to the books.

Books Created Automatically for Partners

When a partner record is made active in Oracle CRM On Demand, a book that can contain data is automatically created for the partner organization. The books that are automatically created for partners are available for selection in the Book lookup window that is accessed from the Partner record pages when in the Books related item on a partner record. The Partner record pages are accessible to users in the brand owner company only. If the Access to Partner check box or the Reciprocal Access to Partner (Reverse) check box is selected when a partner relationship is added to a partner record, the books that were automatically created for the related partners are synchronized. Then, wherever partner accounts are associated in Oracle CRM On Demand, the partner users who are associated with each of the synchronized partner books can see the partner accounts to which their partner organization is related.

When a user is added to a partner organization, the user is also automatically associated with the partner book for the partner organization.

Custom Books for Partners

You can also create custom books for partner organizations. You can assign any combination of users, including users from the brand owner company, and users in partner organizations, to such custom books, as required.

Record Types Supported for Books

In the same way that records of different types can be assigned to the same user, records of different types can be assigned to the same book. The following record types can be assigned to books:

  • Account
  • Accreditation
  • Allocation
  • Application
  • Appointment
  • Asset
  • Business Plan
  • Campaign
  • Certification
  • Contact
  • Course
  • Custom Objects
  • Deal Registration
  • Dealer
  • Event
  • Exam
  • Financial Account
  • Financial Plan
  • Fund
  • HCP Contact Allocation
  • Household
  • Inventory Audit Report
  • Inventory Period
  • Lead
  • MDF Request
  • Messaging Plan
  • Objective
  • Opportunity
  • Order
  • Partner
  • Policy
  • Portfolio
  • Program
  • Sample Lot
  • Sample Request
  • Sample Transaction
  • Service Request
  • Smart Call
  • Solution
  • Special Pricing Request
  • Task
  • Vehicle

Books in the Book Selector

If the Book selector is enabled for the company, the Book selector field appears in targeted searches and advanced searches, in the title bar of list pages, and in the Analytics Homepage. The Book selector is used to limit a targeted search to a custom book or a user book that can contain the record that the user wants to find. The plus sign (+), which appears in the Book selector field, indicates the presence of sublevels.

NOTE: Partner books appear in the Book selector for the Partner record type only.

Clicking the icon next to the Book selector displays the book hierarchy, which is organized as follows:

  • All. The default root node for all books, including custom books and user books
    • Books. The default root node for all custom books set up for your company
    • Users. The default root node for all user books

All, Books, and Users are nodes or anchors. They are not real books. As an example of a book hierarchy, assume that a company sets up a geographic book hierarchy for America. Assume that a user, John Williams, who has subordinates, is also associated with the books in the geographic hierarchy. For this user, the following hierarchy is shown in the Book selector, under the All option:

  • Books
    • America (The parent book)
      • North (Subbook. A subbook can also be a parent book for a further level of subbooks.)
      • East (Subbook)
      • West (Subbook)
      • South (Subbook)
  • Users
    • John Williams (User who has subordinates)
      • Lucy Harris (Subordinate. A subordinate can also have subordinates.)
      • Rick Rogers (Subordinate)
      • Donna Jones (Subordinate)
      • Jeff Smith (Subordinate)

NOTE: Books at the lowest level of a hierarchy are called leaf-node books.

The Include Sub-Items check box in the Book selector allows the user to specify that data in subitems (subordinates or subbooks) is to be included in the search. For information about how the Book selector works in reports, see About Visibility to Records in Analytics and About Limitations in Analytics.

Selecting Books for Searches

When searching for records, users select the book that contains the data they want to find. If users cannot be sure which book at a certain level of a book hierarchy contains the data they are looking for, the users select the next book higher up in the hierarchy for the search.

If the user selects the Include Sub-Items option in the Book selector, and the Manager Visibility Enabled check box is selected in the company profile, the data in the subbooks or subordinates is included in the search.

As an example, consider the following book hierarchy:

  • America
    • North
      • North Area 1
      • North Area 2

If a user is unsure whether a record is in North Area 1 or North Area 2, the user selects the North book for the search, rather than selecting the America book.

Related Topics

For information about designing your book structures, setting up books, and enabling users to use books, see the following topics:

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.