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Enabling Books for Users and User Roles

To enable a user to use books, you configure the user’s role and the default access profile for the user’s role. You also configure the user record for each user.

The following procedure describes how to enable books for a user role. You must perform these steps for each role that uses books.

To enable books for a user role

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. In the User Management and Access Controls section, click the User Management and Access Controls link.
  3. In the Role Management section, click the Role Management link.
  4. From the Translation Language list, select your company's primary language.
  5. Click the link for the role that you want to modify.
  6. In the Role Management Wizard, go to Step 2, Record Type Access, and configure the access levels for the Books record type.

    The following table shows the settings you must configure to allow users (who are not administrators) to access books.

    Record Type

    Has Access?

    Can Create?

    Can Read All Records?





    NOTE: You must ensure that the Can Read All Records check box is deselected. Otherwise, the user can access all books in the Book Hierarchy list page.

  7. Click Finish to save your changes.
  8. Navigate to the User Management and Access Controls page.
  9. In the Access Profile Management section, click Access Profiles.
  10. From the Translation Language list, select your company's primary language.
  11. Click the Edit link for the Default Access Profile that is used for the user role you are enabling for books, and configure the settings to provide access to books and related record types.

    The following table describes the required settings on the Default Access Profile for a user role, which enable access to books for the role. Configuring the default access profile gives the user role the necessary access to books. Therefore, you do not have to configure the owner access profile for the role.

    Record Type

    Related Record

    Default Access Profile


    Not applicable



    Sub Book


    This profile allows the user to see all subbooks in the Book Detail page. The default is No Access.




    This profile allows the user to see all other users who are associated with the book in the Book Detail page. The default is No Access.

  12. Click Finish to save your changes.

The following procedure describes how to enable books for a user. You must perform these steps for each user who uses books.

To enable books for a user

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click the Admin global link
  2. In the User Management and Access Controls section, click the User Management and Access Controls link.
  3. In the User Management section, click the User Management link.
  4. Click the Edit link for the user whose profile you want to modify.
  5. In the Key User Information section of the User Edit page, configure the following settings:
    • Default Book for Analytics. This setting determines the user book or custom book that appears by default for the user in the Book selector in the Analytics pages. The setting displays the user name and sign in ID (by default) of the user whose record you are editing. Change the setting of the record to the custom book or user book where the user most frequently works for reports and dashboards. The setting on the user record does not limit the user's access to data: the user can select a different book or user in the Book selector.
    • Default Book. This setting determines the user book or custom book that appears by default for the user in the Book selector when working in any area other than the Analytics pages. The setting displays All by default. Change the setting to the custom book or user book where the user most frequently works, so that the user does not have to select the book each time the user wants to work on data in the book. The setting on the user record does not limit the user's access to records: the user can select a different book or user in the Book selector.
  6. In the User Security Information section of the User Edit page:
    1. Set the value for Reporting Subject Areas to either Manager Visibility or Team Visibility.

      NOTE: You must select one of these values. Otherwise, reports will not contain any data. The option that you select, Manager Visibility or Team Visibility, does not affect the data in the report.

    2. Set the value for Historical Subject Areas to Full Visibility.
  7. Click Save.

NOTE: To access a book, the user must be associated with the book. In addition, a user's delegates do not automatically have access to a user's books. The delegates must also be associated with the books.

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.