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Assigning a Team Member to a List of Records

You can submit a batch request to assign a team member to a list of records or remove a team member from a list of records. The batch assign functionality is supported for all of the record types that support teams, with the exception of the Activity record type. For a list of the record types that support teams, see Sharing Records (Teams).

NOTE: You cannot use the batch assign functionality to change the access profile for an existing member of a team on a record.

Before you begin:

  • To assign a team member to a list of records or remove a team member from a list of records, your user role must have the Batch Assign Team Members privilege.
  • If necessary, create a list to capture the records to which you want to add a team member or from which you want to remove a team member. For information about creating and using lists, see Working with Lists.
  • In the standard application, the ReadOnly, Edit, and Full access profiles are available for you to assign to the team member for the records in the list. If you want to assign a different access profile to the team member for the records, then make sure that the Grantable to Team Members check box is selected on the access profile that you want to assign. For more information about the access profiles that you can assign to team members, see Sharing Records (Teams). For more information about setting up access profiles, see Process of Setting Up Access Profiles.

The following procedure describes how to assign a team member to a list of records.

To assign a team member to a list of records

  1. Open the list of records.
  2. In the List page, click Menu, and then select Batch Assign Team Member.
  3. In the Batch Assign Team Member page, click the Lookup icon (magnifying glass) for the Target User field.
  4. In the Search for a User window, select the user that you want to assign as a team member.
  5. Select the Add radio button.
  6. In the Access Profile field, select the access profile for the team member for the records in the list.
  7. Click Assign.

    The Batch Assign Request Queue page opens, showing your request in the Active Requests section. For information about the Batch Assign Request Queue page, see Batch Assign Request Queue Page.

When your request has been processed, you will be notified by email.

The user that you select is not added to a record if one or more of the following are true for that record:

  • The user is already a member of the team on the record. In this case, the user’s membership of the team, and the access profile for the user’s membership of the team for that record, remain unchanged.
  • Your access to the record does not allow you to add a team member to the record.

The log for the batch assign request shows details of any records that are not updated.

The following procedure describes how to remove a team member from a list of records.

To remove a team member from a list of records

  1. Open the list of records.
  2. In the List page, click Menu, and then select Batch Assign Team Member.
  3. In the Batch Assign Team Member page, click the Lookup icon (magnifying glass) for the Target User field.
  4. In the Search for a User window, select the user that you want to remove from the team.
  5. Select the Remove radio button.
  6. Click Assign.

    The Batch Assign Request Queue page opens, showing your request in the Active Requests section.

When your request has been processed, you will be notified by email.

The user that you select is not removed from a record if one or more of the following are true for that record:

  • The user is the owner of the record.
  • The user and the owner of the record are both members of the same user group.
  • (Lead record type only) The user is the sales person for the record, that is, the user’s name appears in the Sales Person field on the record.
  • Your access to the record does not allow you to remove a team member from the record.

The log for the batch assign request shows details of any records that are not updated.

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.