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Displaying Images on Record Detail Pages

For certain record types, your company administrator can specify that an image can be displayed on the record Detail pages. If your administrator specifies that an image can be displayed on a record Detail page, then a placeholder for an image appears at the top left of the Detail page, and you can upload the image that you want to display. You cannot change the location of the image on the page.

The ability to display an image on a record Detail page is available for the following record types:

  • Account
  • Contact
  • Product

You can upload images files of the following file types:

  • .jpg
  • .jpeg
  • .png
  • .gif
  • .bmp

The file that you upload must be less than 5 megabytes (MB). The maximum height of the displayed image is 150 pixels, and the maximum width is 150 pixels. If the image that you upload exceeds the maximum height or width, then the image is automatically resized before the image file is saved in Oracle CRM On Demand. The ratio of the height to the width is maintained. For example, if you upload an image that is 1500 pixels high and 1000 pixels wide, then the image is automatically resized to be 150 pixels high and 100 pixels wide. If the image that you upload is smaller than the maximum height and width, then the image is not resized.

The following procedure describes how to upload an image to be displayed on a record Detail page. You cannot upload an image to a record while creating a record. You must first create the record and save it, and then upload the image to the record. You can upload an image to an existing record provided that you have the necessary access rights to update the record.

NOTE: If an image was previously displayed on the record, then the image that you upload replaces the image that was previously displayed. The image file that was previously displayed is deleted from Oracle CRM On Demand, and you cannot restore it.

To upload an image to a record Detail page

  1. In the record Detail page, rest your pointer on the image placeholder so that the image menu displays, and then click Menu.
  2. Click Choose File to open a dialog box where you can select a file.
  3. Browse to the file that you want to upload and select it.

    The image that you selected is displayed in the image field.

The following procedure describes how to remove an image from a record Detail page.

NOTE: When you remove an image from a Detail page, the image file is deleted from Oracle CRM On Demand, and you cannot restore it.

To remove an image from a record Detail page

  1. In the record Detail page, rest your pointer on the image to display the image menu, and click Remove.
  2. Confirm that you want to remove the image file.

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.