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About the HTML Editor

Depending on the setting in the Enable HTML Formatting check box on the company profile, HTML formatting might be available in certain fields. If the Enable HTML Formatting check box on the company profile is selected, then HTML formatting is supported in fields of the Note field type, including custom fields of that type. In many record types, the Description field is a Note field. The record types that have one or more fields of the Note field type are:

  • Account
  • Accreditation
  • Accreditation Request
  • Activity
  • Blocked Product
  • Campaign
  • Certification
  • Certification Request
  • Claim
  • Custom Objects 01 through 40
  • Contact
  • Course Enrollment
  • Damage
  • Deal Registration
  • Exam
  • Exam Registration
  • Financial Account
  • Financial Plan
  • Financial Product
  • Fund
  • Household
  • Insurance Property
  • Involved Party
  • Leads
  • MDF Request
  • Notes (for notes that are created from the Notes related information section in parent record types only)
  • Opportunity
  • Order
  • Partner
  • Partner Type
  • Patient
  • Price List
  • Price List Line Item
  • Quote
  • Sample Request
  • Service Request
  • Signature
  • Solution
  • SP Requests
  • Special Pricing Product
  • Special Pricing Request

The Enable HTML Formatting check box on the company profile is deselected by default in the standard application. If your administrator selects the Enable HTML Formatting check box, then the following happens:

  • An HTML editor is available for the supported fields when you create or edit records where the fields are available, and the HTML formatting is applied when you view the records.

    NOTE: You must use the toolbar in the HTML editor to apply HTML formatting to the text in the field. Tags that are entered as text while the HTML editor is enabled are not interpreted as HTML tags.

  • When you export records from Oracle CRM On Demand, the tags for any HTML formatting that was applied through the HTML editor are exported with the text.
  • When you import records, any supported HTML tags in the supported fields are imported and are applied when the records are viewed in the user interface. Any unsupported HTML tags are removed before the imported records are saved.
  • Any text that users entered in a field that supports HTML formatting before the Enable HTML Editor check box is selected on the company profile is treated as unformatted text, even if the text contains HTML tags. However, after the Enable Editor check box is selected on the company profile, the next time the field is updated or the record is edited in the record Edit page, any supported HTML formatting is applied to the field, and if there is more than one field that supports HTML formatting on the record Detail or Edit page, then any supported HTML tags in those fields are also applied at the same time.

    NOTE: If the field is edited inline after the Enable Editor check box is selected on the company profile, but no change is made to the field, then the existing text in the field remains as plain text.

  • When a field that supports HTML formatting is displayed in a list of records, any supported HTML tags in the field are applied, provided that the field does not contain more than 500 characters. If the field contains more than 500 characters, then only the first 500 characters are displayed, and the displayed characters and any HTML tags are displayed as plain text. However, when you edit the field inline in a List page, the entire content of the field is displayed, the HTML formatting is applied, and the HTML editor is available.

NOTE: The same elements and attributes that are supported for HTML in workflow email messages are supported in the fields where HTML formatting is supported. For a list of supported elements and attributes, see HTML Code for Note Fields and Workflow Email Messages.

If the Enable HTML Formatting check box is not selected on the company profile, then the following happens:

  • The HTML editor is not available in fields of the Note field type.
  • If you import records containing HTML tags in fields of the Note field type, then the tags are not removed and are displayed as unformatted text when the records are viewed in the user interface.

If your administrator selects the Enable HTML Formatting check box and later deselects it again, then all text and the tags for any HTML formatting that was applied in the fields where HTML formatting is supported are displayed as unformatted text.

Message Center

The Message Center does not support HTML formatting. The HTML editor is not available for notes that you create either in the Message Center or by clicking the note icon at the top-right of a record Detail page, even if the Enable HTML Formatting check box is selected on the company profile. A note containing HTML tags is displayed as unformatted plain text in the Message Center.

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