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MDF Requests Fields

Use the MDF Request Edit page to add a market development fund (MDF) request or update the details for an existing MDF request. The MDF Request Edit page shows the complete set of fields for an MDF request.

NOTE: Company administrators can customize Oracle CRM On Demand in a variety of ways, such as changing the names for record types, fields, and options in lists. So, the information you see might differ from the standard information described in the online help.

The following table provides additional information regarding some fields.



Key MDF Request Information


The MDF request identifier (ID).

Request Name

The unique name of the MDF request.

Principal Partner Account

The partner company, which is taking the lead in submitting the MDF request.


The name of the fund associated with the MDF request.

Submission Status

The status of the submission, such as Submitted, Not Submitted, or Recalled.

Due Date

The date by which you must have the MDF request approved. It is set to today's date plus 7 days by default.

Expiration Date

The date on which the MDF request is no longer valid.


The name of the campaign with which the MDF request is associated.

Marketing Purpose

The marketing reason for the MDF request.


The region for which the MDF request is being made.


The category to which the MDF request belongs.

Partner Program

The name of the partner program with which the MDF request is associated.

MDF Request Currency

The requested currency for the MDF request.

MDF Request Detail Information

Start Date

The date and time that the marketing activity starts.You can use the calendar controls to change this date.

End Date

The date and time that the marketing activity ends. You can use the calendar controls to change this date.

Amount Requested

The total requested amount for the marketing activity.

Amount PreApproved

The brand owner enters the total approved amount for the marketing activity.

Approval Status

The current approval status for the MDF request.

Request Date

The date and time that the MDF request was created.

Submitted Date

The date and time that the MDF request was submitted.

Pre-Approval Date

The date and time that the MDF request was preapproved.


The name of the current approver.

Last Approved By

The name of the previous approver.

Reason Code

The reason that the marketing activity was not approved. The default values are: Duplicate, Incorrect Information, Insufficient Information, and Other.

Claim Information

Total Claim Amount Requested

The total claim amount that the partner is requesting for the marketing activity.

Total Claim Amount Approved

The total claim amount that is approved by the brand owner for the marketing activity.

Claim Status

The current status of the claim.

Claim Decision Date

The date on which a decision was made about the claim.

Additional Information


The owner of the MDF request record.

Generally, the owner of a record can update the record, transfer the record to another owner, or delete the record. However, your company administrator can adjust the access levels to restrict or expand a user's access.

The value in the Owner field affects which records are included in reports that you or your managers run in the Analytics pages.

Depending on the record ownership mode that your company administrator sets up for the record type, you might see the Owner field, or the Book field, or both of these fields on the record Detail page, and one or both of the fields might be blank. For more information about record ownership modes, see About Data Access, Record Sharing, and Record Ownership.


Additional information about the MDF request. This field has as a limit of 250 characters.

Owner Partner Account

The partner account for which the owner works. So, if the owner is a partner, then the owner account is populated with the name of the partner account to which the partner belongs.

Channel Manager

The channel manager is responsible for maintaining the relationship between the partners and the brand owner company. Channel managers serve as the primary contact for the partner.

Originating Partner Account

The name of the partner who started the MDF request.

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.