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Updating the Exam Registration Record

Only users with the appropriate access rights can update the exam registration record. By default, only brand-owner roles, such as Channel Manager, can update the Status field on the registration record. Brand-owner roles and partner roles can update all other fields.

Your company administrator can modify the default access right settings, as required.

Before you begin.

Your company administrator must have made the Exam Registrations related information section available for the detail page. If the related information section is not displayed on the detail page, click the Edit Layout link, and add the section as a displayed related information section.

To update the exam registration record:

  1. In the Exam Registration section of the Exam Details page, click the Edit link for the registration record you want to modify.
  2. Modify the fields as appropriate.
  3. Click Save.

NOTE: The default permissible values for the registration status field are Registered, Passed, and Failed. However, this list is completely configurable and you can modify it to suit your business requirements.

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.