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About Privileges in Roles

You grant or revoke privileges for a role in step 4 of the Role Management Wizard. For more information about adding roles, see Adding Roles.

Privileges control the features that your company is licensed to use in Oracle CRM On Demand. When your company is first set up to use Oracle CRM On Demand, the Administrator role is given all the privileges for all the licensed features. Every time a user interacts with Oracle CRM On Demand, Oracle CRM On Demand reviews the set of privileges assigned to that user's role to determine whether the user has the necessary privileges to perform certain functions and to access certain record types. If a privilege that was previously granted to a role is later revoked, any user who has the role loses the ability to use the feature. When a privilege is revoked, any existing data and configuration information that were put in place by a user who had the privilege are not lost.

In the Role Management Wizard, privileges are organized in categories. Each category represents the group of privileges that comprises a piece of functionality in Oracle CRM On Demand. For example, Admin: Users and Access Controls is a category of privilege that controls all functional areas of User Management and Access Control.

Each privilege relates to an individual functional area within a category of privileges. For example, Manage Books is a privilege that is required if a user who has the role wants to create, update, edit, and delete custom books and subbooks, and manage associated members. Each privilege also exposes control fields and other capabilities unique to the feature. To determine which privileges are required to allow users to use a feature, see the online help.

NOTE: Granting a privilege to a role is not enough to grant all access rights to allow a user to use the functionality. When you grant a privilege, the necessary record types and functional details required for the feature are exposed in the role. For example, when the Manage Books privilege is assigned to a role, a user who has the role sees the Books record type in step 2 of the Role Management Wizard, and also in the Access Profile Wizard. However, to give the user the necessary rights to work with book records, you must also configure the necessary levels of access in step 2 (Record Type Access) of the Role Management Wizard for the user's role and in the access profiles for the role.

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