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Asset Historical Analytics Subject Area


This subject area is available in all editions of Oracle CRM On Demand.

Business Purpose

This subject area allows you to analyze asset metrics by account, asset, opportunity, product, and user dimensions. It allows you to track assets and products sold to a customer or company. This subject area is one of the rare subject areas where the visibility to asset records is based on the visibility of the associated account records.

Relationship Type



This subject area has the following dimensions:

  • Account
  • Asset
  • Date
  • Opportunity
  • Owned By User
  • Product Category
  • Product


The complete list of metrics for this subject area is as follows:

  • Asset Metrics
    • Asset Metrics by Purchase Date
      • Number (#) of Assets
      • Purchase Price
      • Quantity
      • Average (Avg) Purchase Price
      • Average (Avg) Quantity
    • Asset Metrics by Ship Date
      • Number (#) of Assets
      • Purchase Price
      • Quantity
      • Average (Avg) Purchase Price
      • Average (Avg) Quantity
    • Number (#) of Assets
    • Purchase Price
    • Quantity
    • Average (Avg) Purchase Price
    • Average (Avg) Quantity

Usage Notes

You can analyze the Asset metrics by the Owned By User dimension. The Account and Asset dimensions include a Book hierarchy, which enables you to analyze metrics and related attributes at any level.

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.