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Advanced Custom Objects Historical Analytics Subject Area


This subject area is available in all editions of Oracle CRM On Demand.

Business Purpose

This subject area provides the ability to analyze advanced custom objects.

The Advanced Custom Objects Historical Analytics subject area is a specialized subject area that allows the reporting of the one-to-many relationship between Custom Objects 01, 02, and 03 and certain prebuilt objects, and also the reporting of the many-to-one relationship between Custom Objects 01 through 05 and certain prebuilt objects. Because the Advanced Custom Objects Historical Analytics subject area unites the reporting of a number of objects under a single subject area, it is necessary to include a determining metric for the analysis to help it choose a relationship path among the objects included in the analysis. Whenever two or more dimensions are in an analysis, Oracle CRM On Demand analytics requires a metric to relate the dimensions. If the report does not include a metric, Oracle CRM On Demand analytics chooses one randomly.

The many-to-many relationship is implemented for Custom Objects 01, 02, and 03 and account, contact, service request, and opportunity in Analytics. Therefore, it is possible to report on the one-to-many relationship between Custom Objects 01, 02, and 03 and these objects.

Relationship Type



This subject area has the following dimensions:

  • Account
  • Activity
  • Campaign
  • Contact
  • Custom Object 01
  • Custom Object 02
  • Custom Object 03
  • Custom Object 04
  • Custom Object 05
  • Lead
  • Opportunity
  • Owned By User
  • Partner
  • Service Request


The complete list of metrics for these subject areas is as follows:

  • Account Metrics
    • Account Custom Metrics
    • Account Optimized Custom Metrics
    • Number (#) of Accounts
    • Number (#) of Accounts with Opportunities
    • Average (Avg) Closed Revenue
    • Average (Avg) Revenue
    • Average (Avg) Days to Close Opportunity (Definition: The number of days to close an opportunity divided by the number of wins.)
  • Activity Metrics
    • Activity Custom Metrics
    • Activity Metrics by Created Date
      • Number (#) of Activities
      • Number (#) of Appointments (Created Date)
      • Number (#) of Closed Activities
      • Number (#) of Open Activities
      • Number (#) of Tasks (Created Date)
    • Activity Metrics by Other Dates
      • Number (#) of Appointments (End Date)
      • Number (#) of Appointments (Start Date)
      • Number (#) of Tasks (Due Date)
    • Activity Optimized Custom Metrics
    • Number (#) of Accounts with Activities
    • Number (#) of Activities
    • Number (#) of Appointments Scheduled
    • Number (#) of Calls Dialed
    • Number (#) of Calls Reached
    • Number (#) of Closed Activities
    • Number (#) of Open Activities
  • Campaign Metrics
    • Campaign Optimized Custom Metrics
    • Number (#) of Accounts for Campaign
    • Number (#) of Campaigns
    • Number (#) of Campaigns Active
    • Number (#) of Campaigns Completed
    • Number (#) of Campaigns Planned
    • Number (#) of Contacts for Campaign
    • Number (#) of Leads
    • Number (#) of Opportunities
    • Number (#) of Wins
    • Percentage (%) of Budget (Definition: The cost multiplied by 100, then divided by the budgeted cost.)
    • Percentage (%) of Lead Target Achieved (Definition: The number of leads multiplied by 100, then divided by the lead target.)
    • Percentage (%) of Revenue Target Achieved (Definition: The closed revenue multiplied by 100, then divided by the revenue target.)
    • Average (Avg) Cost Per Closed Sale (Definition: The average cost divided by the number of wins.)
    • Average (Avg) Cost Per Lead (Definition: The average cost divided by the number of leads.)
    • Average (Avg) Days to Convert Lead (Definition: The number of days between the lead-created date and lead-converted date divided by the number of leads converted to opportunities.)
    • Cost per Closed Sale (Definition: The cost divided by the number of wins.)
    • Cost per Lead (Definition: The cost divided by the number of leads.)
    • Lead Conversion Rate (Definition: The leads who became customers, expressed as a percentage.)
    • Opportunity Win Rate (Definition: The total number of win opportunities, divided by the total number of won and lost opportunities.)
    • Return on investment (ROI)
  • Contact Metrics
    • Contact Custom Metrics
    • Contact Optimized Custom Metrics
    • Home Value
      • Average (Avg) Home Value
      • Average (Avg) Home Value (000)
      • Home Value
      • Home Value (000)
    • Total Assets
      • Average (Avg) Total Assets
      • Average (Avg) Total Assets (000)
      • Total Assets
      • Total Assets (000)
    • Total Expenses
      • Average (Avg) Total Expenses
      • Average (Avg) Total Expenses (000)
      • Total Expenses
      • Total Expenses (000)
    • Total Income
      • Average (Avg) Total Income
      • Average (Avg) Total Income (000)
      • Total Income
      • Total Income (000)
    • Total Liabilities
      • Average (Avg) Total Liabilities
      • Average (Avg) Total Liabilities (000)
      • Total Liabilities
      • Total Liabilities (000)
    • Total Net Worth
      • Average (Avg) Total Net Worth
      • Average (Avg) Total Net Worth (000)
      • Total Net Worth
      • Total Net Worth (000)
    • Year To Date (YTD) Sales
      • Average Year To Date (Avg YTD) Sales
      • Average Year To Date (Avg YTD) Sales (000)
      • Year To Date (YTD) Sales
      • Year To Date (YTD) Sales (000)
    • Number (#) of Clients
    • Number (#) of Contacts
    • Number (#) of Prospects
  • Custom Object 01-05 Metrics
    • Custom Object 01-05 Custom Metrics
    • Custom Object 01-05 Optimized Custom Metrics
    • Number (#) of Custom Objects 01-05
  • Lead Metrics
    • Lead Custom Metrics
    • Lead Optimized Custom Metrics
    • Number (#) of Archived Leads
    • Number (#) of Leads
    • Number (#) of Leads Converted to Opportunities (Definition: The number of leads that have been converted to opportunities.)
    • Number (#) of Leads Resulting in Lost Opportunity
    • Number (#) of Leads Resulting in Won Opportunity (Definition: The number of leads that have been converted to opportunities and is in the Closed/Won sales stage.)
    • Number (#) of New Opportunities
    • Number (#) of Qualified Leads
    • Number (#) of Rejected Leads
    • Number (#) of Wins
    • Average (Avg) Days to Convert Lead (Definition: The number of days between the lead-created date and leadconverted date divided by the number of leads that were converted to opportunities.)
    • Avg Days to Followup Lead (Definition: The number of days to follow up on the lead divided by the number of leads.)
    • Closed Revenue for Lead
    • Expected Revenue for Lead
    • Opportunity Revenue for Lead
    • Projected Revenue
  • Opportunity Metrics
    • Opportunity Custom Metrics
    • Opportunity Metrics by Open Date
      • Number (#) of Contacts with Opportunities (Optys)
      • Number (#) of Open Opportunities
      • Number (#) of Opportunities
      • Number (#) of Wins
      • Average Number (Avg #) of Days in Stage
      • Average (Avg) Deal Size (Definition: The average size of each sale for each customer, expressed as the number of units or revenue amount.)
      • Average (Avg) Sales Cycle
      • Closed Revenue
      • Expected Revenue
      • Opportunity Loss Rate
      • Opportunity Win Rate
      • Revenue
    • Opportunity Optimized Custom Metrics
    • Number (#) of Contacts with Opportunities (Optys)
    • Number (#) of Open Opportunities
    • Number (#) of Opportunities
    • Number (#) of Wins
    • Average Number (Avg #) of Days in Stage
    • Average (Avg) Deal Size
    • Average (Avg) Sales Cycle
    • Closed Revenue
    • Closed Revenue (000)
    • Expected Revenue
    • Expected Revenue (000)
    • Opportunity Loss Rate
    • Opportunity Win Rate
    • Quarter Ago Closed Revenue
    • Quarter Ago Closed Revenue (000)
    • Quarter Ago Opportunity Revenue
    • Quarter Ago Opportunity Revenue (000)
    • Revenue
    • Revenue (000)
  • Partner Metrics
    • Partner Custom Metrics
    • Principal Partner Account Metrics
      • Number (#) of Approved MDF Requests
      • Number (#) of Archived Leads
      • Number (#) of Cancelled SRs
      • Number (#) of Closed SRs
      • Number (#) of Days MDF Request Pending Approval
      • Number (#) of Days To Approval for MDF Request
      • Number (#) of Deal Registration Products
      • Number (#) of Deal Registrations
      • Number (#) of Deal Registrations converted to Opportunity
      • Number (#) of Deal Registrations for new Customers
      • Number (#) of Deal Registrations for new Opportunities
      • Number (#) of Deal Registrations pending approval
      • Number (#) of Deal Registrations resulting in wins
      • Number (#) of Deal Registrations with Opportunities
      • Number (#) of Leads
      • Number (#) of Leads Converted to Opportunities
      • Number (#) of Leads Resulting in Lost Opportunity
      • Number (#) of Leads Resulting in Won Opportunity
      • Number (#) of MDF Requests
      • Number (#) of MDF Requests Pending Approval
      • Number (#) of Open Opportunities
      • Number (#) of Open SRs
      • Number (#) of Opportunities
      • Number (#) of Partners with Leads
      • Number (#) of Partners with Opportunities
      • Number (#) of Pending SRs
      • Number (#) of Qualified Leads
      • Number (#) of Rejected Leads
      • Number (#) of SRs
      • Number (#) of Special Pricing Requests
      • Number (#) of Wins
      • Number (#) of approved Deal Registrations
      • Number (#) of expired Deal Registrations
      • Average (Avg) Closed Revenue
      • Average (Avg) Potential Revenue
      • Average (Avg) Number (#) of Days in Stage
      • Average (Avg) Authorized Cost for Special Pricing Product
      • Average (Avg) Days to Close Opportunity
      • Average (Avg) Days to Close SR
      • Average (Avg) Days to Convert Lead
      • Average (Avg) Days to Followup Lead
      • Average (Avg) Days to approval for Deal Registration
      • Average (Avg) MSPR for Special Pricing Product
      • Average (Avg) Open SR Age
      • Average (Avg) Purchase Cost for Special Pricing Product
      • Average (Avg) Requested Cost for Special Pricing Product
      • Closed Revenue
      • Closed Revenue (000)
      • Closed Revenue for Lead
      • Expected Revenue
      • Expected Revenue (000)
      • Expected Revenue for Lead
      • MDF Amount Pre-Approved
      • MDF Amount Pre-Approved (000)
      • MDF Amount Requested
      • MDF Amount Requested (000)
      • MDF Amount Requested Pending Approval
      • Opportunity Revenue for Lead
      • Potential Revenue
      • Potential Revenue (000)
      • Product Closed Revenue
      • Product Closed Revenue (000)
      • Product Revenue (000)
      • Revenue
      • Revenue (000)
      • Special Pricing Amount Authorized
      • Special Pricing Amount Authorized (000)
      • Special Pricing Amount Requested
      • Special Pricing Amount Requested (000)
      • Special Pricing Product Quantity
      • Total Deal Registration Product Quantity
      • Total MDF Claim Amount Approved
      • Total MDF Claim Amount Approved (000)
      • Total MDF Claim Amount Requested
      • Total MDF Claim Amount Requested (000)
      • Total Revenue on Deal Registrations
      • Total Revenue on Deal Registrations (000)
      • Total Revenue on Deal Registrations without Opportunities
      • Total Revenue on Deal Registrations without Opportunities (000)
      • Total Revenue on Open Deal Registrations
      • Total Revenue on Open Deal Registrations (000)
    • Number (#) of Partners
  • Service Request Metrics
    • Service Request Custom Metrics
    • Service Request Metrics by Close Date
      • Number (#) of Cancelled Service Requests (SRs) (Close Date)
      • Number (#) of Closed Service Requests (SRs) (Close Date)
      • Average (Avg) Days to Close Service Requests (SRs) (Close Date)
      • Average (Avg) Minutes to Close Service Requests (SRs) (Close Date)
    • Service Request Optimized Custom Metrics
    • Number (#) of Cancelled Service Requests (SRs)
    • Number (#) of Closed Service Requests (SRs)
    • Number (#) of Open Service Requests (SRs)
    • Number (#) of Pending Service Requests (SRs)
    • Number (#) of Service Requests (SRs)
    • Average (Avg) Days to Close Service Request (SR)
    • Average (Avg) Minutes to Close Service Requests (SRs)
    • Average (Avg) Open Service Request (SR) Age
    • Average (Avg) Open Service Request (SR) Age (Minutes)

Usage Notes

Analyses with no results can occur due to several reasons. One reason is the lack of a metric in the analysis. Your analysis must contain at least one metric.

You can also get an analysis with no results if you are using two custom objects that are not directly linked to each other. To analyze the association between a custom object and another object including another custom object, the objects must be directly associated. For example, if an Account object is directly associated to Custom Object 01 and Custom Object 03, then you can report on the association between Account and Custom Object 01 as well as the association between Account and Custom Object 03. However, you cannot report on the combined association among Account, Custom Object 01 and Custom Object 03 unless a direct association between Custom Object 01 and Custom Object 03 is defined in the application.

Taking this example further, if an Account object is directly associated to Custom Object 01, and Custom Object 01 is directly associated to Custom Object 03, then you can report on the association between Account and Custom Object 01 as well as the association between Custom Object 01 and Custom Object 03. However, the combined association between Account, Custom Object 01, and Custom Object 03 cannot be reported on unless there is a direct association between Account and Custom Object 03 as defined in the application.

The Account, Contact, and Service Request dimensions include a Book hierarchy, which enables you to analyze metrics and related attributes at any level.

Common Date Dimension

Many of the record-type dimensions in this subject area have a date folder, such as Date or Date Created. However, some record types share a common date dimension. If you select columns from the date folder under a record type that shares a date dimension with other record types, and if you select a metric for one of the other record types that share the same date dimension, then the analysis displays all the dates for records of the record type from which you selected the metric. For example, the Account and Contact record types share a date dimension. So, if you select the Date column from the Date Created folder under the Account folder, and if you select the Number (#) of Accounts metric, then the analysis displays all the dates on which account records were created. However, because the Account and Contact record types share a date dimension, the same result is displayed if you select the Date column from the Date Created folder under the Contact folder and the Number (#) of Accounts metric.

If you select columns from the date folder under a record type that shares a date dimension with other record types, and if you select metrics from two or more of the record types that share the same date dimension, then the analysis displays all the dates for records of all the record types from which you selected the metrics. For example, if you select the Date column from the Date Created folder under the Account folder, and if you select the Number (#) of Accounts and the Number (#) of Contacts metrics, then the analysis displays all the dates on which account records and contacts records were created. In this example, a value of 0 (zero) is displayed for the Number (#) of Contacts metric for any date on which account records were created but no contact records were created, and a value of 0 (zero) is displayed for the Number (#) of Accounts metric for any date on which contact records were created but no account records were created.

The following table lists the record types that share a common date dimension and shows the name of the date dimension as it appears for each of the record types.

Record-Type Dimension

Date Dimension


Date Created



Custom Objects 01 through 05

Created Date




Close Date

Service Request


Associated Object Custom Fields

An associated object's custom fields are not available for use in reports in the Advanced Custom Objects Historical Analytics subject area. For example, if you create a field for a custom object as a related field of another custom object, then the new field is not available under the main object folder in the Advanced Custom Objects Historical Analytics subject area. However, the new field remains available in the related object's folder.

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