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Uploading Client Side Extensions

Client side extensions are files that you can upload to and host on Oracle CRM On Demand instead of hosting them on other servers. When you upload a client side extension, Oracle CRM On Demand generates a unique URL that you use to reference the extension. One client side extension can call a second client side extension by using the unique URL of the second client side extension. You can use a URL to deploy a client side extension in custom Web tabs, custom Web applets, global Web applets, and in custom HTML head additions.

You can upload HTML, JPG, GIF, SWF, JavaScript, and CSS files from the Oracle CRM On Demand Client Side Extension List page to create a client side extension. The maximum file size is 20 megabytes (MB). However, smaller file sizes provide better performance when the browser downloads these files from Oracle CRM On Demand.

NOTE: Oracle CRM On Demand Customer Care does not have access to any component of client side extensions. These components include the uploaded files or the content contained within those files, images, or locations from which the client side extensions are referenced, including custom Web tabs, custom Web applets, global Web applets, and custom HTML head additions. Therefore, you are responsible for maintaining and supporting these extensions.

Before you begin. To perform this procedure, your role must include the Upload Client Side Extensions and Manage Custom HTML Head Tag privilege. For more information on adding privileges, see About Privileges in Roles.

To upload a client side extension

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. In the Application Customization section, click Application Customization.
  3. In the Application Setup section, click Client Side Extensions.

    The Client Side Extensions List page displays previously uploaded client side extensions. You can also delete previously uploaded client side extensions on this page.

    NOTE: If you delete a client side extension that has been set up for a custom Web tab, applet, global Web applet, or custom HTML head addition, then those applets will no longer function correctly because the client side extension has been removed. Oracle CRM On Demand does not indicate if a particular client side extension is in use.

  4. Click New.
  5. Click the paperclip icon to find the content that you want to upload as a client side extension.

    This field is required.

  6. Enter the following details:
    • MIME Type. This indicates the Internet media type. This type allows the browser to display media types properly. Enter the full details of the MIME types. Enter, for example, one of the following depending on your file type:
      • text/html
      • image/jpeg
      • image/gif
      • application/x-shockwave-flash
      • text/css
    • File: Size (In Bytes). The size of the uploaded file. Oracle CRM On Demand populates this field.
    • File: Extensions. The file extension of the uploaded file. Oracle CRM On Demand populates this field.
    • Name. The name of the client side extension. This field is required.
    • URL Name. This value is used to provide a meaningful name for the URL that points to the client side extension. The following characters are accepted in the URL name: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, underscore (_), and period (.). Double periods (..) are not permitted, and a period (.) must not be the last character in the string. Examples of URL names are: Logo_Image and Map376. It is recommended that you keep this field as short as possible. This field changes only when a user edits it. Therefore, if you replace the uploaded file, or if you change the client side extension name, then the URL Name field value is unchanged. As a result, you can update, maintain and deploy multiple versions of the client side extension without having to reconfigure the custom Web tabs, custom Web applets, global Web tabs, or custom HTML head additions. Editing this field changes the Relative URL and Full URL fields. This field is required.
    • Relative URL. Oracle CRM On Demand completes this field. This value is the relative URL that navigates to the client side extension from within Oracle CRM On Demand. If this field value changes, and the client side extension is deployed, then you must update the custom Web tabs, custom Web applets, global Web tabs, or custom HTML head additions that reference this client side extension to use the newly generated URL. This field value changes only if the URL Name field is updated.
    • Full URL. Oracle CRM On Demand completes this field. This value is the full URL that points to the URL in the Oracle CRM On Demand application. If this field value changes, and the client side extension is deployed, then you must update custom Web tabs, custom Web applets, global Web tabs, or custom HTML head additions that reference this client side extension to use the newly generated URL. This field value changes only if the URL Name field is updated.
  7. Click Save.

NOTE: You can upload a client side extension, but it is not active until you configure it in a custom Web tab, custom Web applet, global Web tab, or custom HTML head addition .

After a client side extension is uploaded, Oracle CRM On Demand generates the Relative URL and Full URL fields. You use these values to associate a custom Web tab, custom Web applet, global Web tab, or custom HTML head addition with the client side extension. You configure these locations in the same way that you configure any extension hosted on your servers.

For information about adding custom HTML head additions, see Managing Custom HTML Head Additions.

To edit an existing client side extension

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. In the Application Customization section, click Application Customization.
  3. In the Application Setup section, click Client Side Extensions.
  4. In the Client Side Extensions List page, find the client side extension that you want to edit.
  5. Do one of the following:
    • Click the Name field. This step opens the Client Side detail page where you can edit the client side extension.
    • Click Edit.
  6. Click Save.
  7. If you have replaced the file for the client side extension, do the following:
    1. Log out of Oracle CRM On Demand.
    2. Clear your browser cache.
    3. Log in again to download the new client side extension so that the client side extension is downloaded to the page deploying the client side extension. If you do not log out of Oracle CRM On Demand and log in again, the new client side extension will be downloaded 30 days after you have performed the first download.

Guidelines for Editing Client Side Extensions

Consider the following guidelines:

  • Keep the number of references to client side extensions on a page to a minimum to reduce the negative impact on performance.
  • Keep the size of your client side extensions as small as possible. For example, avoid using large image or SWF files. The smaller the file that you download as part of the client side extension, the faster the page loads compared to larger files.
  • Keep all client side extensions in as few files as possible to reduce the negative impact on performance.
  • Allow your browser to cache your client side extensions. If you allow your browser to cache the client side extensions, then the content does not have to be downloaded from the Oracle CRM On Demand servers each time that a user loads the page. If the client side extension changes, then you must clear your cache so that Oracle CRM On Demand loads the page containing the extension. By default, client side extensions are cached for 30 days.
  • Keep client side extensions and assets to a minimum to improve the Action bar performance. When configuring a client side extension contained in an applet on the Action bar, the Action bar loads every time the page refreshes.
  • Follow all Web services guidelines when using client side extensions to call Web services. For more information, see Oracle Web Services On Demand Guide.

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.