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Using Assessment Scripts

If your company administrator sets up assessment scripts, you can access the scripts to collect information about your customer or sales opportunity. The information can then be mapped to the parent record and used in reports and analyses later.

The application allows you to access scripts from these record types:

  • Account (Account Surveys)
  • Activity (Activity Assessments on a Sales Call, Task, or Appointment)
  • Business Plan (Business Plan Assessments)
  • Contact (Customer Satisfaction Surveys)
  • Lead (Lead Qualification Scripts)
  • Objective (Objective Assessments)
  • Opportunity (Opportunity Assessments)
  • Service Request (Call Scripts and Customer Satisfaction Surveys)

Your company administrator can set up filters to help you to identify the appropriate assessment for a task. For example, a lead qualification assessment script might be set up with the following filters:

  • Account Tier = Gold
  • Segment = Large
  • Region = West

Then, when you launch an assessment script from a lead record with the corresponding filter field values, the correct lead qualification script is listed. After an assessment is completed, data that the company administrator changes subsequently in the template script is not reflected in the completed assessment record. The answer section is the only exception to this rule. The company administrator can change data in the answer section at any time, and changes are reflected in the assessment detail page when you work through the template questions.

Before you begin. To use assessment scripts, your user role must be set up to allow access to the assessment records. For more information about the required settings, see About Assessment Scripts.

To use an assessment script

  1. Select the record.

    For instructions on selecting records, see Finding Records.

  2. On the record Detail page, scroll down to the script section and click Add.
  3. If necessary, select the script from the Lookup window.

    If only one script meets the criteria defined by your company administrator, the script opens automatically. Otherwise, you need to select the appropriate script in the Lookup window.

    TIP: To find the appropriate script, select an option from the drop-down list, and click Go.

  4. On the script page, ask your customer the questions and fill in the information.
  5. Click Save.

    Depending on how your company administrator set up this script, these events might occur:

    • A score is calculated and compared to a threshold.
    • Depending on whether the score is above or below the threshold, an outcome is calculated.
    • The score, answers to the questions, and the outcome are mapped back to the parent record.
    • The last assessment date is also populated.

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.