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Canceling Workflow Save Operations

In workflow rules that have the Before Modified Record Saved trigger, you can use the Cancel Save functionality to specify that the operation to save the changes that triggered the rule is to be canceled if the condition on the rule is not met. However, changes made by Oracle CRM On Demand are not canceled even if you specify that the save operation is to be canceled.

About Translating Messages for Canceled Workflow Save Operations

When you set up the cancel save functionality on a workflow rule, you can specify a custom message that is returned to the user or Web service if the condition on the rule is not met and the Cancel Save check box is selected for the rule. Your company might want to provide translated versions of the custom message for users who do not use the company default language. The ability to enter translated versions of the custom message is controlled by the Enable Language Translation Support for Workflow Cancel Save Message check box on the company profile. If this check box is deselected on the company profile, then you cannot enter translated messages for the workflow rules.

If the Enable Language Translation Support for Workflow Cancel Save Message check box is selected on the company profile, then the behavior is as follows:

  • The Translation Language field is available in the Workflow Rule Detail page and in the Workflow Rule Edit page when you edit an existing workflow rule. After you create a workflow rule in which a custom message is specified, the message appears in blue font and within brackets in every language other than the default language for the company. You can then edit the workflow rules to enter the translated versions of the message.

    NOTE: If you do not specify a custom message, then a default message is returned. You cannot enter translated versions of the default message.

  • The Mark for Translation check box is available on the Workflow Rule Edit page and the Workflow Rule Detail page for existing workflow rules. If you change the message in an existing rule in the default language for the company, then you can use the Mark for Translation check box to indicate whether the translated versions of the message are to be replaced by the updated message, or are to remain unchanged. If you select the Mark for Translation check box, then the updated message appears in the default font in the default company language, and appears in blue font and within brackets in every other language until you enter the translated message for the language. If you do not select the Mark for Translation check box when you update the message in the default company language, then the message changes in the default company language, but the translated messages are not changed.

    NOTE: When you create a workflow rule, the Mark for Translation check box is deselected and read-only. The Mark for Translation check box is effective only when you edit an existing workflow rule. In addition, the Mark for Translation check box is read-only if you select any language other than the default language for the company in the Translation Field when you edit the workflow rule.

Before you begin. To perform this procedure, your user role must have the Workflow Cancel Save privilege as well as the Manage Data Rules - Manage Workflow Rules privilege.

NOTE: The Opportunity record type is an exception. You do not need to have the Workflow Cancel Save privilege in your user role to use the Cancel Save functionality in workflow rules for the Opportunity record type. Provided that your user role has the Manage Data Rules - Manage Workflow Rules privilege, you can use the Cancel Save functionality in workflow rules for the Opportunity record type that have the Before Modified Record Saved trigger.

To cancel a workflow save operation if the rule condition is not met

  1. In the Workflow Rule Detail page, in the Actions If Condition Is False section of the page, select the Cancel Save check box.
  2. (Optional) Specify the error message that is to be displayed when the save operation is canceled because the rule condition is not met.
  3. Save your changes.

The following table describes the options in the Actions If Condition Is False section of the Workflow Rule Detail page.



Mark for Translation

This check box is available only if the Enable Language Translation Support for Workflow Cancel Save Message check box is selected on the company profile.

If you change the message in a workflow rule in the default language for the company, then use the Mark for Translation check box as follows:

  • If you want the translated versions of the message to be replaced by the updated message, then select the Mark for Translation check box.
  • If you want the translated versions of the message to remain unchanged, then do not select the Mark for Translations check box.

Cancel Save

If you select this check box, the following actions are performed if the rule condition is not met:

  • The workflow rule terminates.
  • All subsequent workflow rules based on the same record type that have the Before Modified Record Saved trigger event also terminate.
  • All previous changes to the state of the record, except changes made by Oracle CRM On Demand, are rolled back.
  • The record returns to its original state. However, if Oracle CRM On Demand makes an update to the record, then the change overrides the Cancel Save action. For example, if the primary contact is removed from the related contacts, then Oracle CRM On Demand updates the primary contact information on the parent opportunity record. This update by Oracle CRM On Demand overrides any Cancel Save action on the opportunity record.
  • Any subsequent workflow rules for the same record type that have the When Modified Record Saved trigger event are not triggered.
  • A message is returned as follows:
    • If the rule is triggered by a user action, then a message is displayed to the user whose action triggered the rule.
    • If the rule is invoked by a Web service, then a message is returned to the Web service as an error string.

      You can specify the message in the Display Message field.

      If this check box is deselected, then the save operation is not affected (and no message is returned) if the condition on the rule is not met.

      By default, the Cancel Save check box is deselected.

Display Message

In this field, you can specify the message that is returned to the user or Web service if the condition on the rule is not met, and the Cancel Save check box is selected for the rule.

If you do not specify a message in this field, then a default message is returned. The maximum number of characters that the message can contain is 1999.

The following procedure describes how to enter a translated version of a message for a canceled workflow save operation.

To enter a translated version of a message for a workflow

  1. In the Workflow Rules List page, click the Edit link for the workflow rule.
  2. In the Workflow Rule Edit page, in the Translation Language field, select the language for which you want to enter a translated message.

    NOTE: When you select any language other than the default company language, you cannot create a workflow rule from the Workflow Rule Edit page or the Workflow Rule Detail page. You can create a workflow rule only when the default company language is selected in the Translation Language field.

  3. In the Display Message field, enter the translated message.
  4. Save your changes.

Repeat this procedure for each language.

Related Topics

See the following topics for related workflow information:

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