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Creating Scheduled Events for Analytics

You can create one or more scheduled events for the Analytics record type and configure one or more Send Email actions on the event to perform the following tasks:

  • Execute an Analytics object on behalf of one or more specified users. The Analytics object can be an analysis, a dashboard, or a dashboard page.
  • Send the results that are generated for a user to that user as an email attachment.

The specified user's access rights determine the results that are generated for that user.

A scheduled event for the Analytics record type is different from a scheduled event for other record types in the following ways:

  • You do not select a list of records for the scheduled event.
  • Only the Send Email action is supported.
  • On the scheduled event, you add a list of the users on whose behalf the Analytics object is to be executed.
  • The Hourly interval type is not available.

A Send Email workflow action for a scheduled event for the Analytics record type is different from a Send Email action for other record types in the following ways:

  • You do not specify a recipient for the email that you configure on the action. The emails are sent to the users who are selected on the workflow rule.
  • The Send Email action executes an Analytics object, as well as sending the emails with the results to the users.
  • You must select the Analytics object that is to be executed, and select the format for the output.

You can create up to a maximum of five Send Email actions on a scheduled event for Analytics. When an instance of the event is executed, all of the actions are performed in sequence for the first user in the list, then all of the actions are performed for the next user, and so on through the list of users.

NOTE: The operations that are performed by workflow actions on scheduled events for the Analytics record type, and the requests and data that are processed by the actions, are counted towards your company's usage against the report services allotments. For information about service allotments, see About Service Allotments. The files that are generated by the workflow actions might also be included in the calculation of the amount of storage used by your company, depending on how long email attachments are retained for your company. The retention period for email attachments is specified in the Email Attachment Expiry (Days) field on the company profile. For more information, see Configuring Company Settings.

Workflow Action Failures

If a workflow action on a scheduled event for the Analytics record type fails for one or more users, then the failure is reported in the Workflow Error Monitor. For more information about what happens when a workflow action on a scheduled event for the Analytics record type fails, see About Workflow Rule and Workflow Action Failures.

Considerations When Scheduling an Event

The following considerations apply when scheduling an event:

  • You cannot specify a condition on a scheduled event. The scheduled instances of the event and the workflow actions on the event are always executed unless an error occurs.

    NOTE: After the Scheduled Event trigger event is selected in the Workflow Rule New page, the page refreshes. The Workflow Rule Condition section of the page is removed and the Schedule Details section, where you specify the schedule for the event, becomes available.

  • For performance reasons, it is recommended that you avoid configuring multiple scheduled events that are scheduled to execute at the same time.
  • You must specify a start date and time for the scheduled event and you must specify either an end date and time, or the number of times the event is to be executed.

    NOTE: Oracle CRM On Demand does not generate any instances for dates and times in the past even if you specify a start date and time that is in the past. For example, if you specify a start date of January 15, 2018 for a scheduled event that is to repeat 10 times at intervals of one month, and if the current date is May 30, 2018, then the first instance of the event is scheduled for June 15, 2018. Only the instances for the five occurrences in the future will be executed.

  • If you specify that the scheduled event is to be executed on a certain date in the month, and if that date does not occur in a given month, then the event will not be executed in that month. For example, if you select day 29 in the month, then the event will not be executed in February, unless the year is a leap year.
  • You can specify that no email is to be sent to a user if the analysis selected on a Send Email action returns no results for that user. By default, the Send Email if No Results check box is selected on the Send Email action, and the email is sent to all of the users selected on the workflow rule, even if the analysis returns no results for a user. If you deselect the check box, then the email will be sent only to those users for whom the analysis returns results.

    NOTE: The Send Email if No Results check box is available only if an analysis is selected on the Send Email action. It is not available if a dashboard or dashboard page is selected on the Send Email action.

    If no email is sent to a user because the analysis returned no results for that user, then the workflow action is considered to have failed for that user, and the failure is reported in the workflow error monitor.

    TIP: If you want the email to be sent to some users even if the analysis returns no results for those users, but you do not want the email to be sent to other users if the analysis returns no results for them, then you can create two separate scheduled events with Send Email actions to execute the same analysis, but with different sets of users. On the scheduled event with the users to whom you do not want the email to be sent if the analysis returns no results, deselect the Send Email if No Results check box.

The following procedure describes how to create a scheduled event for the Analytics record type.

Before you begin. To perform the following procedure, your user role must have the following privileges:

  • Manage Data Rules - Manage Workflow Rules
  • Access V3 Analytics

To create a scheduled event for the Analytics record type

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. In the Business Process Management section, click Workflow Configuration.
  3. On the Workflow Rules List page, do one of the following:
    • To create a new scheduled event by copying an existing one, click Copy on the scheduled event that you want to copy.
    • To create a new scheduled event that is not based on an existing one, click New on the title bar.
  4. In the Workflow Rule Detail page, in the Key Workflow Rule Details section, fill in the scheduled event information.

    The following table describes the fields.



    Workflow Name

    Enter a unique name, up to 50 characters.


    Use the Active check box to activate or deactivate the scheduled event.

    Up to the time that a scheduled event is made active, the Initiated By field on the scheduled event record shows the name of the user who created the scheduled event. The Initiated By field is shown in the Detail page for the scheduled event after the record is saved.

    After the Active check box is selected on the scheduled event and the record is saved, the Initiated By field on the record is updated to show the name of the user who selected the Active check box.

    The Initiated By field in all pending instances and all error instances for the scheduled event also shows the name of the user who selected the Active check box on the scheduled event.

    NOTE: When you make the scheduled event active, an instance is immediately generated for the first scheduled occurrence of the event. As a best practice, set up all of the workflow actions on the scheduled event before you make the event active. Otherwise, if the start time for the scheduled event is near, the first instance might be executed before you have finished setting up the workflow actions.

    For more information about what happens when you activate or deactivate a scheduled event, see About Scheduled Events.


    (Optional) Enter additional information about the scheduled event, such as the purpose of the event.

    Record Type

    Select Analytics.

    Trigger Event

    Only the Scheduled Event trigger event is supported for the Analytics record type.

    Enable Notification

    Select this check box if you want Oracle CRM On Demand to send email notifications to the user who made the scheduled event active. If this check box is selected, an email is sent each time an instance of the scheduled event completes successfully, each time an instance of the event fails, and each time a pending instance of the event is deleted.

  5. In the Start Date Time field, select the date and time at which you want the first instance of the scheduled event to be executed.
  6. In the Recurring field, select the interval at which you want the scheduled event to repeat, for example, Weekly.
  7. In the Every field, set up the interval period for the recurring instances. For example, if you selected Weekly in the Recurring field, and if you want the instances to recur at intervals of two weeks, then enter 2 in the Every field. The minimum value that you can enter is 1.
  8. If you selected Monthly in the Recurring field, then you can optionally schedule the scheduled event to execute on the last day of each month in which the event is executed, by selecting the Last day of month check box.

    As an example, if you set up a scheduled event to start on April 23 and to repeat at two-monthly intervals, then the first instance of the event will be executed on April 23. The second instance will be executed on June 23, the third instance will be executed on August 23, and so on. However, if you select the Last day of the month check box, then the first instance of the event will be executed on April 30, the second instance will be executed on June 30, the third instance will be executed on August 31, and so on.

  9. Specify the number of times that you want the scheduled event to be executed, or specify the end date and time, by doing one of the following:
    • Select the After option and then specify the number of times that the scheduled event is to be executed. The value you enter must be greater than 0 (zero).
    • Select the By Date Time option, and then select the end date and time for the scheduled event. The end date and time must be later than the start date and time.
  10. Save your changes.

Adding Users to Scheduled Events for Analytics

The following procedure describes how to add the list of users on whose behalf the workflow actions on the scheduled event will be executed.

To add a list of users to a scheduled event for Analytics

  1. On the Workflow Rule Detail page, in the Execute As related information section, click Add.
  2. In the Lookup window, search for the users for whom you want the workflow rule to execute the workflow actions.
  3. When you finish selecting users, click OK to close the lookup window.

Creating Send Email Actions for Scheduled Events for Analytics

The following procedure describes how to create a Send Email action for a scheduled event for the Analytics record type.

Before you begin:

  • If you want the Send Email action to execute an analysis, then the analysis must be saved in the catalog, in a folder under Shared Folders, and you must have access to the folder. For the action to complete successfully at runtime for a user specified on the scheduled event, that user must also have access to the folder.
  • If you want the Send Email action to execute a dashboard or dashboard page:
    • The dashboard or dashboard page must be saved in the system-generated Dashboards subfolder directly under /Shared Folders/Company Wide Shared Folder or in the system-generated Dashboards subfolder directly under /Shared Folders/Migrated Company Wide Shared Folder, and you must have access to the dashboard. If the dashboard or dashboard page is stored in the system-generated Dashboards subfolder directly under /Shared Folders/Migrated Company Wide Shared Folder, then you must have the Access Migrated Company Wide Shared Folder privilege.
    • For the action to complete successfully at runtime for a user specified on the scheduled event, that user must have access to the dashboard or dashboard page. If the dashboard or dashboard page is stored in the system-generated Dashboards subfolder directly under /Shared Folders/Migrated Company Wide Shared Folder, then the user must have the Access Migrated Company Wide Shared Folder privilege.
  • If the name of the analysis, dashboard, or dashboard page that you select on the Send Email action contains any of the following special characters, then the character is replaced with an underscore (_) in the name of the file that is sent to the specified user:
    • Asterisk (*)
    • Backslash (\)
    • Colon (:)
    • Comma (,)
    • Double quotation marks (")
    • Greater than symbol (>)
    • Less than symbol (<)
    • Question mark (?)
    • Slash (/)
    • Vertical bar (|)

To create a Send Email action for a scheduled event for the Analytics record type

  1. In the Workflow Rule Detail page, in the Actions related information section, click Menu and select Send Email.
  2. In the Workflow Action Edit page, in the Key Action Details section, complete the detail fields for the workflow action.

    For information about the Mark for Translation check box, see Creating Workflow Actions: Send Email.

  3. In the Analytics Content Details section, do the following:
    1. In the Content Type field, select the type of Analytics object that you want the action to execute.
    2. In the Content Format field, select the type of output that you want the action to generate.
    3. (Optional) If the selected Analytics object is an analysis, and if you do not want the email to be sent to a user if the analysis returns no results for that user, then deselect the Send Email if No Results check box.
    4. Click the Lookup icon for the Content Name Path field to open a pop-up window that displays the catalog.
    5. Browse to the Analytics object that you want and select it, and then click OK.
    6. (Optional) In the Parameters field, enter the parameters for the Analytics object.

      Specifying the parameters for an Analytics object in a workflow action is similar to specifying the parameters for an analysis or dashboard in a Web applet or Web tab. For more information, see About Specifying Filters for Embedded Reports and Dashboards.

  4. In the Email Message section, fill in the From, Reply To, Subject, Email Format, and Message Body fields.

    For information about these fields, see Creating Workflow Actions: Send Email.

    NOTE: If you include fields from the User record type in the email subject or message body, then the fields are populated with the values from the user record of the user on whose behalf the Analytics object is executed.

  5. Save the workflow action.

NOTE: If the size of a file that is to be attached to an outbound email is not greater than 2 MB, then Oracle CRM On Demand attaches the file to the email. If the size of the file is greater than 2 MB, then Oracle CRM On Demand zips the file. If the size of the zipped file is not greater than 2 MB, then the zipped file is attached to the email. Otherwise, the file is not attached to the email. The users on whose behalf the scheduled event was executed can access the unzipped files, as well as the emails, through their personal email monitor, regardless of whether or not the files were sent with the emails. For information about accessing the personal email monitor, see Accessing Your Pending and Sent Emails. If your user role has the Access Master Audit Trail and Admin Configuration Audit privilege, then you can also access the emails and attachments for all users through the company email monitor. For more information, see Reviewing Your Company's Pending and Sent Emails.

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