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What To Do First

Your company administrator has probably imported company-wide records for accounts, contacts, leads, and so on. Follow these instructions to get you up and running quickly:

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Note for first-time users:

  • Your administrator might set up some alert messages so that they appear in separate windows when you sign in to Oracle CRM On Demand. If any alert windows appear when you sign in, then you must close the alert windows by clicking OK in each of them before you can interact with Oracle CRM On Demand. For more information about pop-up alert windows, see Reviewing Your Alerts.
  • If the Activity Notification field settings at user level or at company level allow you to receive pop-up reminders, then when you sign in to Oracle CRM On Demand, the Activity Reminder pop-up window displays any reminders that are due for activities that you own or on which you appear in the list of users. If any alert windows appear when you sign in, then you must close the alert windows before you can interact with the Activity Reminder pop-up window. For more information about the Activity Reminder pop-up window, see About Activity Reminders.
  • You might not see data in reports for the first 24-hour period after signing in because most reports are updated nightly. For example, the reports appearing on the Accounts, Contacts, and Opportunities Homepages will not show data until after that initial period.
  • You may not see forecasts, either, because forecast records are generated once a week or once a month. When generating forecast records, the system checks several fields in your records to determine which information to include in the forecast calculations. Therefore, forecast records don’t appear until the specified period has elapsed and data exists to include in the forecast.

About Running Other Applications

Other applications running in the background might interfere with Oracle CRM On Demand. For example, pop-up blockers can cause your mouse to lock. If you encounter some unconventional behavior, make sure these applications are not running:

  • Virus checkers
  • External Java Runtime Environments
  • Pop-up blockers
  • External toolbars for your browser

NOTE: Ensure that your browser settings allow JavaScript to run and pop-up dialog boxes to display.

Published 6/21/2021 Copyright © 2005, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Legal Notices.