Plan Level Activities

Activities can be processed at the plan level. These activities will process on all policies related to that plan if the policy meets the defined criteria. Only users with the proper security privileges will have access to the Plan Menu, which opens the Plan screen. Plan level activities are added and processed on the Plan screen.

If Activity Shading is enabled, then activities will display on the Plan level Activity screen in various colors according to their status. Refer to the explanation of color statuses for additional information.

Nonreversible Activities

Some activities are configured to prevent a user from reversing or recycling it once it is processed. These nonreversible activities will not have a delete or recycle icon. They are also not affected by other activities that are reversed or recycled around them. A special option to Delete is available in the Display multi-select combo box at the top of the Activity screen. If a user has the proper security privileges, then this option can be selected that grants the user the ability to delete a nonreversible activity or spawn. Selecting the Delete option applies a trash can and recycle activity to the Activity column for the activity.

Steps to Process Plan Activities

  1. Click Plan | Plan Activity on the Admin menu. The Plan screen will open.

  2. Select the Company Name and Plan the activity should process against.

  3. Click Add Activity on the Plan screen.
  4. Select the activity from the drop down list.

  5. Enter the activity details.

  6. Click OK. The activity will be added to the Plan screen.

  7. Click the process icon to process the activity.