19 Gateway Security

Before you begin embarking or disembarking passengers from the Gangway or Gangway with a tender boat, it is necessary to ‘open’ the Gate Location, Gate Type, and Traffic Direction. Note that additional Gate Type will be available in future releases.

Figure 19-1 Cruise Property Management Menu

This figure shows the Cruise Property Management Menu

To access the Gate Settings, navigate to the following:

  1. Select the horizontal lines menu at the top left corner.

  2. Select Gateway Security, and then select Gate Settings.

Gate Settings

Figure 19-2 Gangway Settings

This figure shows the Gangway Settings

Figure 19-3 Tender Boat Settings

This figure shows the Tender Boat Settings
  1. From the Gateway Security menu, select the Gate Settings sub-menu.
  2. On the Gate Settings page, select a value for all the mandatory fields:
    • Gate Location – the value is obtained from the Administration, Enterprise, menu under Gateway Security, Gate Location

    • Gate Type

    • Traffic Direction

  3. If the selected Gate Type is “Tender,” additional fields for Tender Boat will populate. These values are obtained from Mobile Administration, Enterprise menu, Gateway Security, Tender Boat.
    • Tender Boat Name

    • Tender Boat Capacity – Total seating capacity of the boat. You can override and define a value.

    • Tender Boat Threshold – Seating threshold for the boat. You can override and define a value.

    • Tender Boat Availability Legend – This is a read only field. The legend shown is based on the capacity allowed in Tender Boat Capacity and Tender Boat Threshold. The tender boat legend color group represents the following:

      • Green: indicates the tender boat has plenty of seats.

      • Yellow: indicates the tender boat has limited seating.

      • Red: indicates the tender boat is full.

      You can only select Outwards or Inwards from the Traffic Direction

  4. Select the Done button. The system navigates to the People Movement page where the gate settings appear at the top of the page.


    You are not allowed to change the Gate Settings, Gate Type from the People Movement page once you select a gate setting. You can only perform the change from the Gate Settings page. However, you can change the traffic direction.