24 Validation Messages

Once the profile is selected or the barcode is scanned, the system validates the passenger’s profile and displays a fail or success message depending on the type of validation. See the different types of validation messages below.

List of Movement Validation Messages

Wrong direction (occurs when a single direction is being used)

This alert message appears when the guest, resident, visitor, or crew passes through the gate in the opposite direction set up by the Security officer.

Figure 24-1 Example of Wrong Direction message

This figure shows Example of Wrong Direction message
  • Inward

    This error message appears when the security officer selects the direction as Inward and an onboard guest record to go ashore.

    The default message is: Please inform <Profile’s name> to use the inward direction gateway.” The message for this can be changed from OHC Administration module Administration, System Setup menu, under Labels Setup and GNG007.

  • Outward

    This error message displays when the security officer selects the direction as Outward and selects the ashore guest record to go onboard.

    The default message is: “Please inform <Profile’s name> to use the outward direction gateway.” The message for this can be changed from the OHC Administration module Administration, System Setup menu, under Labels Setup and GNG008.

Coming Onboard Validation

The security officer scans or manually searches for the guest, resident, visitor, or crew that embarks on the ship.

Figure 24-2 Sample Onboard Denied Message

This figure shows the Sample Onboard Denied Message

The following parameters are configured in the OHC Administration module, System Setup menu, Database Parameters.

  • Check Visitor Card: 0- No checking performed; 1- Check on the validity of visitor card.

  • Use Ashore Denied Message: 0- Do not use denied message in Ashore/Onboard Denied function; 1- Use.

  1. Deny Boarding

    This error message appears when Deny Boarding shows as YES and the Deny Boarding reason is entered from the OHC Management module, Cashier Handling, Guests tab, selected guest profile or the OHC Crew module, Crew Members, selected crew profile.

    The default error message “<Salutation><Full Name> is not allowed due to <deny reason>”. You can define your error message from OHC Administration module, Administration menu, then System Setup, and Labels Setup, ODCT01.

  2. Visitor Card is expired

    This error message appears when the visitor estimates that the disembark date is earlier than the Cruise System Date and the “Check Visitor Card” parameteris is 1.

    The default error message is “The visitor card is expired.” You can define your error message from OHC Administration module, Administration menu, System Setup, and Labels Setup, GNG039.

  3. Visitor Card validity is in future date

    This error message appears when the validity of the visitor’s card is after the embarkation date, and the “Check Visitor Card” parameter is set to 1.

    The default error message is: “The Visitor card is only valid from <Profile’s Embark Estimated Date>”. You can define your error message from OHC Administration module, Administration menu, System Setup and then Labels Setup, GNG040.

  4. Visitor allowed at the Terminal only

    This error message appears when the visitor is only allowed at the terminal and the value configured is from the OHC Management module,Visitor handling, Early Boarding Visitor.

    The default error message is “<Name> is allowed at the terminal only.” You can define your error message from OHC Administration module, Administration menu, System Setup, and then Labels Setup, GNG041.

  5. Invalid Reservation

    This error message appears when the searched profile’s reservation status is either Cancel, No Show, or Checked out.

    The error message content is “Invalid reservation. <Salutation><full name> status is <reservation status>”.

  6. User Definable Security Alert Setup (SAG)

    This message display is based on the configuration in OHC Administration module, Administration menu, Security Alert Setup.

Going Ashore Validations

This message alerts the Security Officer when the guest, visitor, or crew disembarking the ship does not have the required travel visa.

Figure 24-3 Sample Ashore Denied Message

This figure shows the Sample Ashore Denied Message

Parameters can be configured in OHC Administration module, System Setup menu, Database Parameters.

  • Use Ashore Denied Message: 0- Do not use denied message in Ashore/Onboard Denied function; 1- Use

  • Enable Visa Check: 0- Turn Check off; 1- Turn Check On

  • SLD Manual Override: 0- No overriding; 1- Prompt to override Shore list denied (SLD) message

  • Adult Min Age: Numeric. Adult minimum age.

  • Enable Minor Disembarkation Authorization: 0 – No Authorization is required for minor; 1-Authorization of guardian company is required.

  • Exclude Port from Minor Disauthorization: Specify the ports of call where a minor is authorized to debark unescorted, for example, PortA, PortB.

  1. Shore Leave Denied

    This error message appears when the guest is listed on the shore leave deny list and attempts to go ashore. The shore leave deny list is configured in OHC Management module, Cashier, Ashore Deny List or OHC Crew, Safety, Ashore Deny List.

    To activate the shore leave denied feature, set the SLD Manual Override parameter to 1.

    The default message shows the Ashore Denied header only. You can define the message from OHC Administration, Administration, System Setup, Labels Setup, and use GNG036 for Crew and GNG037 for guest or resident.

  2. Visa Check

    This error message appears when a travel visa is required for the guest, crew, visitor or resident to leave the ship. To activate the visa check, set the parameter Enable Visa Check to 1.

    The visa requirements can be set up in these three modules:

    • OHC Administration, Security, Port/Visa Requirement

    • OHC Management, Security, Port/Visa Requirement

    • OHC Crew, Security, Port/Visa Requirement

    The default error message is: “Visa required. Please see the Embarkation Offer.” You can define your message from OHC Administration, Administration, System Setup, Labels Setup, VMSG01.

  3. User Definable Security Alert Setup (SAG)

    This message appears based in the OHC Administration, Administration, Security Alert Setup.

  4. Minor validation
    • Assign Guardian to a minor

      The Security Officer must verify whether the assigned guardian is accompanying the minor when the minor goes ashore.

    • Minor with pre-assigned guardian

      If the guardian profile is assigned to a minor profile, the system displays the guardian list when the Security Officer processes the minor’s exit.

      The default message is “Select a Guardian that will accompany <minor name> minor ashore.” You can define your message from OHC Administration, Administration, System Setup, Labels Setup, GNG116.

      If the Security Officer is not able to find the guardian, the Security Officer will select No to disallow the minor from going ashore. The system displays: “A guardian should be physically present with <Minor Name> Minor.”

      The default message is “Select a Guardian that will accompany <minor name> minor ashore.” You can define your message from OHC Administration, Administration, System Setup, Labels Setup, GNG117.

    Figure 24-4 Guardian Listing

    This figure shows the Guardian Listing
    • Minor without pre-assigned guardian

      If the minor does not have a guardian assigned to the minor’s profile, the Security Officer will not allow this minor to go ashore.

      The default message “No guardian assignment found. <minor name> is a minor and must be accompanied by an adult guardian.” You can define your message from OHC Administration, Administration, System Setup, Labels Setup, GNG072.

Overnight Tour Notification

If a guest, resident or crew purchases an excursion tour that requires them to stay overnight on the shore, the system brings up a notification indicating that the guest, resident, or crew is going for an overnight tour.

The overnight tour notification appears after the guest, resident, or crew successfully changes the onboard status to Ashore.

The default message is: “<guest name> is going for an overnight tour.” You can define your message from OHC Administration, Administration, System Setup, Labels Setup, GNG032.

Figure 24-5 Overnight Tour Notification

This figure shows the Overnight Tour Notification