11 Profile

The Profile page displays all details of the selected guest from the search page with data imported from the reservation system. You can make changes to any editable fields. On the Profile page, there are two sections that display the profile details.
  • Reservation Details: Details of the reservation. This information is for view only. Editing is not allowed.

  • Profile Details: Details of the profile with mandatory fields marked with asterisk.

Figure 11-1 Profile Details

This figure shows the Profile Details page.

Table 11-1 Reservation Details

Field Description


Reservation Status – Based on the Configuration Search template setup

Cabin Number

Guest Cabin Number

Embarkation Date

Guest Embarkation/Check-In Date

Embarkation Port

Embarkation Port/Harbor

Disembarkation Date

Guest Disembarkation/Check-Out Date

Disembarkation Port

Disembarkation Port/Harbor

Table 11-2 Profile Details

Field Description


Guest Title

First Name

Guest First Name

Middle Name

Guest Middle Name

Last Name

Guest Last Name


Gender selection

Date of Birth

Guest Date of birth


Auto-populate based on the guest date of birth


Guest Current Nationality

Document Type

Travel Document type used for this checked in

Document Number

Travel Document number of the selected document type

Document Issued Date

Issued date of the Travel Document

Document Expiry Date

Expiry date of the Travel Document

Document Issued Country

Country of issuance for this Travel Document

Country of Birth

Guest Place of Birth

Country of Residence

Guest Current Country of residence

Contract Number

Guest contact number

Alternative Contact Number

Alternative contact number

Email Address

Guest email address

Emergency Contact Name

Detail of emergency contact person

Editing Profile Details

  1. On the Profile page, select the editable field to enter a new value.
  2. Click Next to continue to the next page. You cannot proceed further if the mandatory fields are blank.

Uploading/Changing a Profile Picture

  1. Click the Edit Photo link.
  2. Click the Take Photo to activate the camera and capture the photo. To retake the photo, click Take Again.
  3. Click the Save Photo to save and then click the X to exit the page.

Canceling a Checked-In Reservation

You can cancel a checked-in reservation by clicking Cancel, followed by Yes at the “Do you want to cancel?” prompt. This saves all the data and returns you to the Search page. If No is selected, it returns you to the current page.

Overwrite Profile Details with Scanned Passport

Figure 11-2 Verify Scanned Passport Details

This figure shows the Verify Scanned Passport Details
  1. If the profile retrieved is through passport scanning, the Confirmation dialog will list the changes in two columns - Existing Value versus New Value. You must confirm whether to overwrite the profile information with the scanned passport details or not.

  2. The scanned passport details populate onto the profile fields when you select Populate.

  3. To retain the existing profile details, click Cancel.

  4. On the Profile screen, if you want to re-scan the passport, clickScan to initiate the camera function.

  5. Place the passport near the camera and select the Capture Image button. A progress bar show “Scanning in Progress”, followed by a confirmation dialog once the passport details are scanned successfully.