10.4.4 列値でグループ化されたデータに対するPython関数の実行




oml.group_apply(data, index, func, func_owner=None, parallel=None, orderby=None, graphics=False, **kwargs)




  • Python関数

  • OML4Pyスクリプト・リポジトリ内のユーザー定義Python関数の名前を表す文字列

  • Python関数を定義する文字列
  • oml.script.load関数によって返されるoml.script.script.Callableオブジェクト

オプションのfunc_owner引数は文字列またはNone (デフォルト)で、引数funcが登録済ユーザー定義Python関数名の場合に、登録済ユーザー定義Python関数の所有者を指定します。

parallel引数は、Embedded Python Executionジョブで使用する推奨並列度を指定するブール値、intまたはNone (デフォルト)です。次の値のいずれかを指定できます。

  • 特定の並列度では、1以上の正の整数

  • 並列度なしの場合はFalseNoneまたは0

  • デフォルトのデータ並列度の場合はTrue




関連項目: 特殊な制御引数について


関連項目: 出力について

例10-8 oml.group_apply関数の使用方法


import pandas as pd
from sklearn import datasets 
import oml

# Load the iris data set and create a pandas.DataFrame for it.
iris = datasets.load_iris()

x = pd.DataFrame(iris.data, 
                 columns = ['Sepal_Length','Sepal_Width',
y = pd.DataFrame(list(map(lambda x: 
                           {0: 'setosa', 1: 'versicolor', 
                            2:'virginica'}[x], iris.target)), 
                 columns = ['Species'])

# Drop the IRIS database table if it exists.

# Create the IRIS database table.
oml_iris = oml.create(pd.concat([x, y], axis=1), table = 'IRIS')

# Define a function that counts the number of rows and returns a
# dataframe with the species and the count.
def group_count(dat):
    import pandas as pd
    return pd.DataFrame([(dat["Species"][0], dat.shape[0])],\
                        columns = ["Species", "COUNT"])

# Select the Species column to use as the index argument.
index = oml.DataFrame(oml_iris['Species'])

# Group the data by the Species column and run the user-defined 
# function for each species.
res = oml.group_apply(oml_iris, index, func=group_count,

# Define a function that builds a linear regression model, with  
# Petal_Width as the feature and Petal_Length as the target value, 
# and that returns the model after fitting the values.
def build_lm(dat):
    from sklearn import linear_model
    lm = linear_model.LinearRegression()
    X = dat[["Petal_Width"]]
    y = dat[["Petal_Length"]]
    lm.fit(X, y)
    return lm

# Run the model for each species and return an objectList in
# dict format with a model for each species.
mod = oml.group_apply(oml_iris[:,["Petal_Length", "Petal_Width",
                                  "Species"]], index, func=build_lm)

# The output is a dict of key-value pairs for each species and model.

# Sort dict by the key species.
{k: mod[k] for k in sorted(mod.keys())}


>>> import pandas as pd
>>> from sklearn import datasets
>>> import oml
>>> # Load the iris data set and create a pandas.DataFrame for it.
... iris = datasets.load_iris()
>>> x = pd.DataFrame(iris.data, 
...                  columns = ['Sepal_Length','Sepal_Width',
...                             'Petal_Length','Petal_Width'])
>>> y = pd.DataFrame(list(map(lambda x: 
...                            {0: 'setosa', 1: 'versicolor', 
...                             2:'virginica'}[x], iris.target)), 
...                  columns = ['Species'])
>>> # Drop the IRIS database table if it exists.
... try:
...     oml.drop('IRIS')
... except: 
...     pass
>>> # Create the IRIS database table.
... oml_iris = oml.create(pd.concat([x, y], axis=1), table = 'IRIS')
>>> # Define a function that counts the number of rows and returns a
... # dataframe with the species and the count.
... def group_count(dat):
...     import pandas as pd
...     return pd.DataFrame([(dat["Species"][0], dat.shape[0])],\
...                         columns = ["Species", "COUNT"])
>>> # Select the Species column to use as the index argument.
... index = oml.DataFrame(oml_iris['Species'])
>>> # Group the data by the Species column and run the user-defined 
... # function for each species.
... res = oml.group_apply(oml_iris, index, func=group_count,
...                       oml_input_type="pandas.DataFrame")
>>> res
{'setosa':   Species  COUNT 
0  setosa     50, 'versicolor':       Species  COUNT 
0  versicolor     50, 'virginica':      Species  COUNT 
0  virginica     50}
>>> # Define a function that builds a linear regression model, with 
... # Petal_Width  as the feature and Petal_Length as the target value, 
... # and that returns the model after fitting the values.
... def build_lm(dat):
...     from sklearn import linear_model
...     lm = linear_model.LinearRegression()
...     X = dat[["Petal_Width"]]
...     y = dat[["Petal_Length"]]
...     lm.fit(X, y)
...     return lm
>>> # Run the model for each species and return an objectList in
... # dict format with a model for each species.
... mod = oml.group_apply(oml_iris[:,["Petal_Length", "Petal_Width",
...                                   "Species"]], index, func=build_lm)
>>> # The output is a dict of key-value pairs for each species and model.
... type(mod)
<class 'dict'>
>>> # Sort dict by the key species.
... {k: mod[k] for k in sorted(mod.keys())}
{'setosa': LinearRegression(copy_X=True, fit_intercept=True, n_jobs=None,normalize=False), 'versicolor': LinearRegression(copy_X=True, fit_intercept=True, n_jobs=None, normalize=False), 'virginica': LinearRegression(copy_X=True, fit_intercept=True, n_jobs=None, normalize=False)}