Installation on Linux Platforms

Follow these steps to install Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition on x86 64-bit Linux operating systems.

  1. Navigate to the Oracle Technology Network Downloads page. Depending on the workload, select Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition based on JDK8 for Linux or Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition based on JDK11 for Linux, and accept the Oracle License Agreement.
  2. Unzip the archive to your file system: tar -xzf <graalvm-archive>.tar.gz
  3. Configure your environment:
    • Prepend the GraalVM Enterprise bin directory to the PATH environment variable: export PATH=<graalvm>/bin:$PATH To verify whether you are using GraalVM Enterprise, run: which java
    • Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to resolve to the installation directory: export JAVA_HOME=<graalvm>
  4. You can also specify GraalVM Enterprise as the JRE or JDK installation in your Java IDE.

Install Additional Components

The base distribution of GraalVM Enterprise for Linux platforms includes the JVM, the GraalVM compiler, the LLVM bitcode interpreter, and the JavaScript runtime with Node.js support. The base installation can be extended with:

These components are not part of the GraalVM Enterprise base distribution and must be downloaded and installed separately. The components are pre-packaged as JAR files. To assist a user with installation, GraalVM Enterprise includes GraalVM Updater, a command line utility, to install and manage additional components. Proceed to the installation steps to add a necessary component from above-listed to the GraalVM Enterprise core.