Essbase Cube Builder Implementation

Essbase Cube Builder implementation can be divided into different phases. This topic provides an overview of the phases involved in Essbase cube builder implementation.

The initial phase for creating cubes is to define their metadata, that is, the data that describes the cube structure. You can define metadata with either PeopleSoft trees or queries. Perform the steps in the following table to design cube metadata.



Create new trees or use existing trees.

See PeopleSoft Tree Manager Overview, Understanding Steps to Create Trees.

Create new queries or use existing queries.

See Creating New Queries.

The second phase of creating Essbase cubes is to create connectivity information. Perform the step listed in the following table to set up the Essbase server connection information.



Define Essbase Cube Builder connection definitions.

See Defining Essbase Cube Builder Connections.

Dimensions are equivalent to fields in a relational database. In data analysis terms, dimensions can be thought of as criteria that are used to pinpoint a particular piece of data, for example, time, account, and salesperson. Dimensions are subdivided into categories called members; for example, the time dimension contains the members 2007, 2008, 2009. You can add members to dimensions manually; members are populated by the results of a PeopleSoft Query or populated from a PeopleSoft Tree structure.

Perform the steps listed in the following table to create dimensions.



Set up cube dimension builder.

See Understanding Dimensions of Essbase Cubes.

Create Essbase dimensions.

See Creating Essbase Dimensions.

To create an outline, you group dimensions together to define the cube structure, and then you define the data queries that will be used to populate the cube.

Perform the steps listed in the following table to create an outline.



Define cube outlines.

See Defining Cube Outlines.

Add cube dimensions to a cube outline.

See Adding Cube Dimensions to a Cube Outline.

Add cube data queries to a cube outline.

See Adding Cube Data Queries to a Cube Outline.

The last phase of Essbase Cube Builder implementation is sending all of the defined information—cube structure and data—to the Essbase server using the Create Cube component, which runs the Process Scheduler.

Perform the steps listed in the following table to build Essbase cubes.



Build Essbase cubes.

See Building Essbase Cubes.