Understanding SQL Class

You can create SQL definitions in Application Designer. These can be entire SQL programs, or just fragments of SQL statements that you want to re-use. PeopleCode provides the SQL class for accessing these SQL definitions in your PeopleCode program at runtime.

The SQL class provides capability beyond that offered by SQLExec. Unlike SQLExec, which fetches just the first SELECTed row, operations for the SQL class allow iteration over all rows fetched. This can dramatically improve performance if you’re doing a million operations and you’ve set the BulkMode property to True.

A list of input (bind) values, and a list of output variables are supported, as they are in SQLExec. The input and output variables are limited to the same PeopleCode types that can be used with SQLExec, with the addition of a new class called Record.

At runtime, you instantiate a record object from the Record class. A record object is a "one row" instantiation of a record definition.

  • When used as an output from an SQL object, each next field in the record is populated with the next column returned.

  • When used as an input, several fields in the record are used to replace a single bind marker in the SQL statement. The bind marker for a record describes the type of substitution to be done.

Both records and other PeopleCode types can be mixed in both the output and input.

At runtime, you instantiate a SQL object from the SQL class. The SQL object is loaded by either a constructor for the object, or an explicit Open method call. Optionally, a SQL constructor and the Open method support setting the SQL statement through a string parameter. This capability enables the creation and execution of ad-hoc SQL statements.

The SQL class has a Fetch method for iterating through the rows fetched by a select. A cursor is used to control this connection between the runtime SQL object and the database. The cursor is closed automatically when the object goes out of scope. The cursor can be closed before that by using the Close method. The status of the connection is available from the Boolean IsOpen property.

The general status of operations is available from function or method return values or properties. Detailed status is not available, as the operations are designed to terminate on unexpected errors or errors that cannot be reasonably recovered from by application level logic.

Considerations for Extra Spaces

On the DB2 for OS/390 and z/OS platform, when the zparm option is set to decimal equals comma (so comma is used as the database decimal separator), extra blanks are added after commas to ensure that they are not mistaken for decimal separators.

Considerations for Case Sensitivity

When processing a SQL statement, the system automatically casts all fieldnames and possibly record names to uppercase when processing a SQL statement. When processing records from a third party, fields that are lowercase get cast into uppercase, which can create a runtime issue on case sensitive platforms.

To prevent this, use the %NoUppercase meta-SQL statement at the beginning of the SQL statement.