FreeTextTile Class Properties

In this section, the FreeTextTile class properties are presented in alphabetical order. Because the FreeTextTile class is an implementation of the ImageTile class, the properties and methods of the FreeTextTile class are inherited by and apply to the FreeTextTile class.


Use the Content property to set or return a string value representing the HTML-formatted text to be displayed on the tile.

You can use the following HTML tags only: <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6>, <br>, <p>, <b>, <i>, and <img>. Within the <img> tag, src, width, height, and alt are allowable attributes. Use the %Image meta-HTML element to identify an image to include within the HTML:

<img src="%Image(PS_IMAGE_ID)">

Important! If this property is undefined, then the Save and Publish methods will fail.

This property is read/write.


&t2.Content = "My tile <i>content.</i>";