ImageTile Class Properties

In this section, the ImageTile class properties are presented in alphabetical order. Because the FreeTextTile class is an implementation of the ImageTile class, these properties are also inherited by and apply to the FreeTextTile class.

Some of these properties are set on or derived from properties of the target page content reference definition—for example, the Height and Width properties correspond to the tile size, which is defined on the Fluid Attributes page of the target page content reference definition. Other properties are set on the content reference link definition that is created to represent the tile in the tile repository—for example, the Description property sets the long description of the content reference link definition.


Use the AlternateHeight property to set or return a number value representing the alternate height for a resizable tile. The default value is 0.

This property corresponds to the Alternate Height field, which is defined on the Fluid Attributes page of the target page content reference definition, and in Step 4 in Tile Wizard.

This property is read/write.


If &t1.IsResizable Then
   &t1.AlternateHeight = 2;
   &t1.AlternateWidth = 2;


Use the AlternateWidth property to set or return a number value representing the alternate width for a resizable tile. The default value is 0.

This property corresponds to the Alternate Width field, which is defined on the Fluid Attributes page of the target page content reference definition, and in Step 4 in Tile Wizard.

This property is read/write.


Use the Description property to set or return a string value of up to 254 characters representing the long description of the content reference link that is created in the tile repository.

This property corresponds to the Long Description field, which is defined on the General page of the content reference link definition, and in Step 3 in Tile Wizard.

This property is read/write.


Use the DisableHotspot property to set or return a boolean value indicating whether to disable displaying the target content defined for the tile when the tile is tapped. Note that any links displayed dynamically within the tile are not disabled. The default value is False.

This property corresponds to the Disable Main Hotspot field, which is defined on the Fluid Attributes page of the target page content reference definition, and in Step 4 in Tile Wizard.

This property is read/write.


Use the DisplayMode property to set or return a number value representing how the target transaction or content appears once a user taps the tile. The default value is 0.

This property corresponds to the Display In field, which is defined on the Fluid Attributes page of the target page content reference definition, and in Step 4 in Tile Wizard.

This property is read/write.

Options are:

Numeric Value



Target content appears in the current browser window.

Note: This is the default value.


Target content appears in a new tab in the browser.


Target content appears in a modal window.


Target content appears in the NavBar.


Use the EventName property to set or return a string value representing the event name to subscribe to a push notification event defined on the server. Subscribing to an event allows the tile content to be updated by the event.

This property corresponds to the Event Name field, which is defined on the Fluid Attributes page of the target page content reference definition, and in Step 4 in Tile Wizard.

This property is read/write.


Use the Height property to set or return a number value representing the height of the tile. The default dimensions of a tile are 1 tile unit by 1 tile unit. Tiles up to 8x8 are supported. The default value is 1.

This property corresponds to the Height field, which is defined on the Fluid Attributes page of the target page content reference definition, and in Step 4 in Tile Wizard.

This property is read/write.


Use the ImageName property to set or return a string value representing the image name of an SVG image from the image catalog. This SVG image is displayed on the tile.

Important! For an instantiation of the ImageTile class only, if this property is undefined, then the Save and Publish methods will fail.

This property corresponds to the Image Name field, which is defined on the Fluid Attributes page of the target page content reference definition, and in Step 4 in Tile Wizard.

This property is read/write.


Use the IsAuthorAccess property to return a boolean value indicating whether the creator of the content reference definition has access to the page regardless of other permissions assigned.

This property corresponds to the Author Access field, which is defined on the Security page of the target page content reference definition, and in Step 3 in Tile Wizard.

This property is effectively read-only.


Use the IsAutosize property to set or return a boolean value indicating whether to allow the fluid content to dynamically resize itself based on the size of the content. The default value is False.

This property corresponds to the Autosize field, which is defined on the Fluid Attributes page of the target page content reference definition, and in Step 4 in Tile Wizard.

This property is read/write.


Use the IsInteractive property to set or return a boolean value indicating whether to display the fluid content as interactive, which allows users to enter data or click buttons within the fluid content. Since interactive fluid content require more resources than non-interactive ones, select this option only as needed. The default value is False.

This property corresponds to the Interactive field, which is defined on the Fluid Attributes page of the target page content reference definition, and in Step 4 in Tile Wizard.

This property is read/write.


Use the IsPublic property to return a boolean value indicating whether all users have access to the page regardless of other permissions assigned.

This property corresponds to the Public field, which is defined on the Security page of the target page content reference definition, and in Step 3 in Tile Wizard.

This property is effectively read-only.


Use the IsPublished property to return a boolean value indicating whether this tile definition has been published.

This property is read-only.


Use the IsResizable property to set or return a boolean value indicating whether to allow the tile to be redisplayed at the specified alternate dimensions. The default value is False.

This property corresponds to the Resizable field, which is defined on the Fluid Attributes page of the target page content reference definition, and in Step 4 in Tile Wizard.

This property is read/write.


If &t1.IsResizable Then
   &t1.AlternateHeight = 2;
   &t1.AlternateWidth = 2;


Use the ModalParameters property to set or return the custom modal options as a string value.

This property corresponds to the Modal Parameters field, which is defined on the Fluid Attributes page of the target page content reference definition, and in Step 4 in Tile Wizard.

This property is read/write.


Use the Name property to return a string value representing the ID for this tile definition, which is specified when the ImageTile object is instantiated.

This property corresponds to the Tile Name field in Step 1 in Tile Wizard; it is not used in the content reference link definition.

This property is read-only.


Use the Owner property to set or return a string value representing the owner ID for the content reference link definition. The default value is "PPT“ (PeopleTools).

This property corresponds to the Owner ID field, which is defined on the General page of the content reference link definition, and in Step 1 in Tile Wizard.

This property is read/write.


Use the ParentFolder property to set or return a string value of up to 30 characters representing the ID of the parent folder for the content reference link definition in the tile repository. This parent folder must be a subfolder of the Fluid Pages (PORTAL_GROUPLETS) folder. The default value is "PTFL_PEOPLETOOLS" (PeopleSoft Applications).

This property corresponds to the Parent Folder field, which is defined on the General page of the content reference link definition, and in Step 3 in Tile Wizard.

This property is read/write.


Use the Permissions property to return an ApiObject representing a collection the permission lists from the target page content reference definition.

These permission lists are visible on the Security page of the target content reference definition and the Security page of the content reference link definition, and are displayed in Step 3 in Tile Wizard.

This property is read-only.


Use the RefreshFrequency property to set or return a number value representing the time in seconds to set as an automatic refresh period for dynamic content on a tile. When the timer limit has been reached, the system re-draws the tile so that it displays the current data, such as in the case with chart.

This property corresponds to the Refresh Timer field, which is defined on the Fluid Attributes page of the target page content reference definition, and in Step 4 in Tile Wizard.

This property is read/write.


Use the Roles property to return an ApiObject representing a collection the roles from the target page content reference definition.

These roles are visible on the Security page of the target content reference definition and the Security page of the content reference link definition, and are displayed in Step 3 in Tile Wizard.

This property is read-only.


Use the ShowingSequence property to set or return a number value representing the sequence number for the content reference link. The default value is 9999.

This property corresponds to the Sequence number field, which is defined on the General page of the content reference link definition, and in Step 3 in Tile Wizard.

This property is read/write.


Use the TargetCrefName property to set or return a string value representing the portal object name of the target page definition.

Important! If this property is undefined, then the Save and Publish methods will fail.

This property corresponds to the Name field of the Target Information group box, which is defined on the General page of the content reference link definition, and in Step 3 in Tile Wizard.

This property is read/write.


&t1.TargetCrefName = "PT_CHANGE_PASSWORD_GBL";


Use the Title property to set or return a string value of up to 30 characters representing the title for the tile.

Important! If this property is undefined, then the Save and Publish methods will fail.

This property corresponds to the Label field of the Link Information group box, which is defined on the General page of the content reference link definition, and in Step 1 in Tile Wizard.

This property is read/write.


&t1.Title = "My Tile";


Use the UseInDashboard property to set or return a boolean value specifying whether this tile is listed when the Add Tile dialog box is accessed from dashboards. The default value is True.

This property corresponds to the Dashboard check box, which is defined on the Fluid Attributes page of the target page content reference definition, and in Step 4 in Tile Wizard.

This property is read/write.


Use the UseInHomePage property to set or return a boolean value specifying whether this tile is listed when the Add Tile dialog box is accessed from homepages. The default value is True.

This property corresponds to the Homepage check box, which is defined on the Fluid Attributes page of the target page content reference definition, and in Step 4 in Tile Wizard.

This property is read/write.


Use the UseInNavBar property to set or return a boolean value specifying whether this tile is listed when the Add Tile dialog box is accessed from the NavBar. The default value is True.

This property corresponds to the NavBar check box, which is defined on the Fluid Attributes page of the target page content reference definition, and in Step 4 in Tile Wizard.

This property is read/write.


Use the Width property to set or return a number value representing the width of the tile. The default dimensions of a tile are 1 tile unit by 1 tile unit. Tiles up to 8x8 are supported. The default value is 1.

This property corresponds to the Width field, which is defined on the Fluid Attributes page of the target page content reference definition, and in Step 4 in Tile Wizard.

This property is read/write.