Viewing Related Actions from the Fluid View

In the Fluid Viewer, you can access related actions as follows:

  • Detailed View

    Each row of data on the Detailed View has an Actions option to perform the row-level action. You can select multiple rows in the grid or list view to perform the related action in bulk.

    The detailed view opens on a modal window for the models displaying both the chart and the grid view.

  • Chart View

    On the chart display, click any data point to display the Actions dropdown. Select related actions from the dropdown.

  • Pivot Grid View

    Click any data point which shows a link, to access the Actions dropdown.

Viewing Related Actions on the Chart

Image: Aggregate-related actions when you click the chart data point

This example shows the related actions when you click the chart data point.

Aggregate-related actions when you click the chart data point

Viewing Related Actions on the Detailed View-Grid

Image: Row-level related actions on a grid view

This example shows the row-level related actions on a grid view. Each row of data in the Detailed View has an Actions button. Click to display the row level related actions.

Row-level related actions for a grid view

Viewing Related Actions on the Detailed View-List

Image: Row-level related actions on a list view

This example shows the row-level related actions on a list view. Each row in the detail view can be configured to have the row-level related action.

Row-level related actions for a list view

Viewing the Bulk Actions on the Detailed View

Image: Bulk-related actions on a list view

This example shows the bulk-related actions on a list view. The Actions button is available when the Bulk Mode option is selected. Select the rows and click the Actions button, which lets you perform the related action on all the selected rows.

Bulk-related actions for a list view

Note: The configuration for related actions for the fluid viewer is same as the configuration steps for the classic viewer. The option to configure related actions is in Step 5 of the Pivot Grid Wizard.

Image: Related actions when you click a fact on the pivot grid of the model

This example shows the related actions when you click a fact on the pivot grid of the model.

Aggregate-related actions when you click a fact in the grid view