Setting Up Business Processes

Information is entered and stored using electronic business process forms and routed via configurable workflows. Business processes—and their workflows, logs, and even search parameters—can be created and designed. They are then imported into Unifier Essentials, configured for use, and set up for use in specific projects/shells or the company workspace.

Setting up business processes for use consists of the following steps:

Step 1: Import and deploy business processes.

Step 2: Configure the BPs. This configuration enables the BP to be set up for use. It consists of establishing the record number sequence, determining which BP log the records will be stored in, and activating workflows.

Step 3: Set up the BPs. After configuring, BPs must be set up for use at the company level or in individual projects/shells. For workflow BPs, you can create multiple setups that let you use the same BP form with any number of customized workflows.

Step 4: Grant permissions. After setting up and activating a business process, you must grant User mode permission to all users (including yourself) who will need to view records or participate in a workflow.

Note: Not all BPs work in all areas of the system. For a table that lists all available BPs and the areas in which they are available for use, see Business Process Functionality.

In This Section

Master Log - Business Processes Node

Importing Business Processes

Configuring Business Processes

General Procedures for Setting Up Business Processes

Loading a Business Process

Setting Up a Non-Workflow Business Process

Setting Up a Workflow Business Process

Creating, Adding, and Deleting Business Process Help Files

Setting Up Auto-Creation of Cash Flow Curves from Contracts

Setting up a Master Service Agreement Template

Setting Up a Base Commit Business Process

Setting Up a Request for Bid (RFB) Business Process

Business Process Functionality

Last Published Wednesday, June 26, 2024