Master Log - Business Processes Node

The Master Log - Business Processes node is located in the Home workspace. The node lets you access all or a subset of records of the same type, in a single log that spans multiple projects/shells. The node also lists all business process types at the project/shell level in separate nodes for each type. This includes workflow, non-workflow, and multiple record business processes. By default, the Project Configuration business process is listed as a sub-node, which lets members of the Company Administrators group view and bulk-edit project configurations.

Note: The company-level and single-record business processes are not listed under the Master Log - Business Processes node.

For example, your company might have a shell hierarchy of buildings. A dispatcher who is responsible for translating service requests into work orders could use the Master Log - Business Processes node to create and edit work order records for any building shell from a single, "master" log, rather than drilling into each building shell to access the records.

The Master Log - Business Processes node can also be filtered to display only certain records. For example, a regional Lease Manager might need to access all the active leases in the system that have lease amounts greater than $50,000 per year. Using the filter feature, the lease manager could display only these leases in the Master Log.

Note: If you do not grant users the permission to view or access any of the business process types listed under the Master Log - Business Processes node, the users will not see the Master Log - Business Processes node in the Home workspace.

Setting the Master Log - Business Processes Node Permissions

You must give explicit permission(s) to users to access the Master Log - Business Processes node. You can grant permissions for users to access all business processes in the Master Log, or to individual business process types. To view business process records, users must also:

All project/shell business processes in the system (except inactive and single-record BPs) are listed alphabetically in their corresponding Master Log - Business Processes node.

To set permissions for Master Log - Business Processes node:

  1. Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
  2. In the left Navigator, click User Administration > Access Control.
  3. On the right pane, select User Mode Access > Home workspace > Master Log > <business process>.
  4. Set the permissions as needed:
    • View: Users can view all business process records across all projects and all records in the shell hierarchy (subject to their highest level of shell membership in the hierarchy) independent of whether they are assignees on or have permissions to view and manage individual records within a particular project/shell. These users can also view saved searches.
    • Allow Bulk Edit: Users can select one or more records within a Master Log and perform Bulk Edit on business process records. Selected records can potentially span across multiple shells. Users having this permission automatically have View permissions.

Single Record Business Process in the Master Log - Business Processes Node Permissions

In the Master Log, you can assign the View and Allow Bulk Edit permissions to Users and Groups for a single record business process.

To assign permissions:

  1. Go to the Access Control functional node.
  2. In the Access Control window, click User Mode Access to expand it.
  3. Click Master Log - Business Processes to expand it and click All.
  4. Click Project Configuration to open the permissions setting window.
  5. Add Users or Groups, if needed, and select one or both of the following permissions:
    • Allow Bulk Edit
    • View

Additional Information about Single Record BPs in the Master Log

The system will maintain the shell-level BP permissions, when displaying the single record BPs in master log.

Based on the list at the shell level, you can:

See Also

Setting Up Business Processes

Importing Business Processes

Configuring Business Processes

General Procedures for Setting Up Business Processes

Loading a Business Process

Setting Up a Non-Workflow Business Process

Setting Up a Workflow Business Process

Creating, Adding, and Deleting Business Process Help Files

Setting Up Auto-Creation of Cash Flow Curves from Contracts

Setting up a Master Service Agreement Template

Setting Up a Base Commit Business Process

Setting Up a Request for Bid (RFB) Business Process

Business Process Functionality

Last Published Wednesday, June 26, 2024