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Diameter Signaling Router Communication Agent
Release 8.2
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Routed Services Status elements

Table 4-4 describes elements on the Communication Agent > Maintenance > Routed Services Status page. This page provides a tabbed view of all routed services on an Overall tab and the status of each service on subsequent tabs.

The values in the fields are color coded as shown in Table 4-3.

Table 4-3 Color Coding in Routed Services Status, Overall Tab

Column Name Criteria Description
User Available Value > 0 Number of users that have routed service as Available. Background color is green.
Degraded Value > 0 Number of users that have routed service as Degraded. Background color is yellow.
Unavailable Value > 0 Number of users that have routed service as Unavailable. Background color is red.
Provider Total MPs Value > 0 Total number of providers in the system.
Connection Groups - Total Value > 0 Total number of providers in Connection Groups in the system. Field is not colored differently.
Connection Groups - Available Value > 0 Number of providers in Connection Groups that have routed service as Available. Background color is green.
Connection Groups - Degraded Value > 0 Number of providers in Connection Groups that have routed service as Degraded. Background color is yellow.
Connection Groups - Unavailable Value > 0 Number of providers in Connection Groups that have routed service as Unavailable. Background color is red.

Table 4-4 Routed Services Status, Overall Tab

Column Name Description
Routed Service Name of the Routed Service
User Total MP Total number of users in the system.
Available Number of users that have routed service as Available.
Degraded Number of users that have routed service as Degraded.
Unavailable Number of users that have routed service as Unavailable.
Provider Total MPs Total number of providers in the system.
Total Total number of providers in Connection Groups in the system.
Available Number of providers in Connection Groups that have routed service as Available.
Degraded Number of providers in Connection Groups that have routed service as Degraded.
Unavailable Number of providers in Connection Groups that have routed service as Unavailable.

A report can be generated for any Routed Service on the Overall tab as described in Routed Services Status Report section.

The Routed Services tabs contain information on the connection groups and are split into three panes: Connection Group, User, and Provider panes. From a Connection Group tab, select a connection group row in the top panel to see the information in the User and Provider panes.

Table 4-5 Connection Group Tabs

Column Name Description
Connection Group Name of the Routed Service. Sortable.
User Total MPs Total number of users in the system. Sortable.
Available Number of users that have routed service as Available. Sortable.
Degraded Number of users that have routed service as Degraded. Sortable.
Unavailable Number of users that have routed service as Unavailable. Sortable.
Provider Total MPs Total number of providers in Connection Groups in the system. Sortable.
Available Number of providers in Connection Groups that have routed service as Available. Sortable.
Degraded Number of providers in Connection Groups that have routed service as Degraded. Sortable.
Unavailable Number of providers in Connection Groups that have routed service as Unavailable. Sortable.
Select a Connection Group row in the Top Pane, to see the associated users in the User Pane.

Table 4-6 Routed Services Status, Users Pane

Column Name Description
User MP The User Message Processor. Sortable
Routing Status

Displays routing status of Routed Service status of the corresponding user server.

If a Routed Service exists, it displays routing status as Available or Degraded (Based on congestion level with that provider), otherwise it displays Unavailable. Sortable.

Active Provider The number of Active Providers. Sortable.
Priority Provides the configured Priority of that Connection Group. Sortable.
Update Time Displays timestamp when update HA status was received from provider server. Sortable.
Select a row in the User Pane, to see the associated providers in the Provider Pane.

Table 4-7 Routed Services Status, Provider Pane

Column Name Description
Provider MP The Provider Message Processor. Sortable

Displays routing status of Routed Service status of the corresponding provider server.

When the server is selected in User pane, then it displays status available on the corresponding Provider server.

If a Routed Service exists, it displays routing status as Available or Degraded (Based on congestion level with that provider), otherwise it displays Unavailable. Sortable.

Update Time Displays timestamp when update HA status was received from provider server. Sortable.

Aggregate status of a Connection Group depends on the Operation Status of the connections in the group. Similarly, aggregate status of a collection of connection groups depends on the aggregate status of individual connection groups.

Table 4-8 Color Coding for Connection Group, Status Tabs

Pane Field Name Color Code Criteria Description
Sub Resource Pane (Top most pane) Available - User Routing Status Green Count in Available = Total All users registered for corresponding service and routing status is Available.
Degraded - User Routing Status Yellow Value > 0 One or more users have routing status as Degraded for corresponding service.
Unavailable - User Routing Status Red Value > 0 One or more users have routing status as Unavailable for corresponding service.
Active - Provider Routing Status Red Value > 1 Indicates there exists multiple Active Providers for corresponding service.
User Pane (Lower left pane) Routing Status Red/​Yellow

Red when value = Unavailable

Yellow when value = Degraded

Indicates corresponding user server does not have healthy routing status with Active provider server for selected service.
Multiple Active Red Value = Yes Indicates corresponding user server has multiple Active provider servers for selected server.