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User Data Repository Diameter Common
Release 12.4
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Bulk Export elements

Table 5-2 describes the fields on the Diameter Configuration Export page.

Table 5-2 Bulk Export Elements

Element (* indicates required field) Description Data Input Notes
*Export Application

Diameter or activated DSR Application from which configuration data will be exported.

Diameter includes Diameter Common configuration data.

Format: Pulldown list

Range: ALL, Diameter, IPFE, all activated DSR Applications

To clear the field, select -Select- in the list.

Export Data

Data to be exported.

Diameter, IPFE, or a specific activatedDSR Application must be selected in Export Application before this list is available.

This field is required when Diameter or a DSR Application is selected.

Diameter includes Diameter Common configuration data.

Format: Pulldown list

Range: ALL; configuration folders for Diameter (except Mediation folders), IPFE, or the selected DSR Application.

To clear the field, select -Select- in the list.

Output File Name

Name of the .csv export file.

The default name appears in this field when Export Frequency is Once and:
  • ALL is selected in Export Application
  • Diameter, IPFE, or a DSR Application is selected in Export Application, and ALL or a specific configuration folder is selected in Export Data

    Diameter includes Diameter Common data.

The default file name can be changed, and is not required to follow the default format.

This field is required when it is available.

Format: Valid characters are alphanumeric characters, dash (-), and underscore (_)

Default file name: file name in the format NeName_ReportDate- TimeZone_ApplicationType_ ReportType, with the following values:

NeName = Host name of the NO or SO from which the configuration data will be exported.

ReportDate = Current date in the format mmddyy.

TimeZone = Current Time Zone.

Application Type = the selected Export Application to export from

ObjectType = the selected Data to export

*Task Name

Periodic Export Task name.

This field is required when the Export Frequency is not Once.

Format: text box; length must not exceed 24 characters. Valid characters are alphanumeric, minus sign (-), and spaces between words. The first character must be an alpha character. The last character must not be a minus sign.

Range: 1-24 characters

Default: DSR Configuration Export

Description Periodic Export Task description.

Format: text box; length must not exceed 255 characters. Valid characters are alphanumeric, minus sign (-), and spaces between words. The first character must be an alpha character. The last character must not be a minus sign.

Range: 1-255 characters

Export Directory

Directory in which an export file will be placed.

Files that are exported to the Export Server Directory will automatically be copied over to the remote if one is configured. The files will be deleted form the local system after the transfer to the remote Export Server is complete.

Files that are exported to the File Management Directory, or are exported to the Export Server Directory when no remote Export Server is configured, can be viewed and imported on the local system.

Format: radio buttons

Range: radio button for Export Server Directory, radio button for File Management Directory

Default: Export Server Directory

Export Frequency

How often the data will be written to the Export Server Directory or File Management Directory.

When Once is selected, the export is performed immediately after Ok is clicked.

Format: radio buttons

Range: radio buttons for Once, Hourly, Daily, Weekly

Default: Once


The minute of each hour when the data will be exported.

This field is available only when Hourly is selected forExport Frequency.

Format: text box with up and down selection arrows

Range: 1-59

Default: 0

Time of Day

Time of day when data will be exported.

This field is available only when Daily or Weekly is selected for Export Frequency.

  • Text box; the time can be typed in the format HH:MM AM or HH:MM PM.
  • Pulldown list; click in the box to display a 24-hour list of times that are at 15-minute intervals. Select the desired time in the list.

Range: 12:00 AM through 11:45 PM in 15-minute intervals, or specified time

Default: 12:00 AM

Day of the Week

Day of the week on which data will be exported.

This field is available only when Weekly is selected for Export Frequency.

Format: a radio button for each day of the week

Range: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Default: Sunday